Contemporary and Modern


Answer 1


Contemporary means living or occuring at the same time.

Modern means relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past

Not sure if thats what you wanted but there you go.


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C.Chen answered the questions most eagerly of all. The others are wrong because: 1) "most" is a superlative word and so is "slowest" so they shouldn't use them together. 3)"more" is a comparative word and so is "later" so they shouldn't be used together. 4) "more" and "bigger" are both comparative so they shouldn't be used together too. The point is: two comparative or superlative words shouldn't be used together.Eagerly is not a comparative or superlative word so it can be used with "most"

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C. the tendency of writers to poke fun at their own cultures." the aspect of modern life would seem familiar to a Londoner from the Victorian age is that C. the tendency of writers to poke fun at their own cultures

Which sentence has an elliptical adverb clause with an understood word or words?Water turns into ice when the temperature is lowered to 32°
As we travel higher than does the sea level, the boiling point of water drops.
Methyl alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water.


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the second choice. The sentence that has an elliptical adverb clause is "As we travel higher than does the sea level, the boiling point of water drops." I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!

The answer to the question above would be that the sentence that has an elliptical adverb clause with an understood word or word is the following one: As we travel higher than does the sea level, the boiling point of water drops.

The elliptical clause is a type of dependent or subordinate clause that is missing a word or words. Usually, the missing part is a verb or verb phrase. This is the case in the sentence above: The verb in the comparative clause is missing and the auxiliary has been added to refer to the action described by the verb (travel). That is,  the complete sentence would be as follows: As we travel higher than the sea level travels". The fact is that this has also been done in order to avoid repetition.  

Percy Bysshe Shelley was an English romantic poet who wrote lyric poetry. In what ways does this excerpt from Shelley's “A Bridal Song” represent the lyric poetry of the nineteenth century?


A Bridal Song contains many motifs commonly found in Romanticist poetry such as nature, darkness, mysticism, beauty, high subjectivity, mystical creatures, etc.


the correct answer is A


you didn't include the options but i had this question on a mastery test and I got it right.

What does the term nanny mean in this the misguided nanny state


Consider a scenario where your child’s nanny has quit and you have to hire a new nanny.

Edm sample answer:  

Steps in Hiring a Nanny

To hire a certified nanny, I would prefer to use the services of websites such as and set up interviews. Before hiring a nanny, I will take the following steps:

Define the characteristics, personality, qualifications, and experience we want in a nanny.

Describe the children’s personality, schedules, and any special needs or medications.  

Define the job, including the number of hours and other details.

Define the specific responsibilities of the caregiver.

Decide on the compensation.

Apply for an employer identification number because I will be employing an individual as a nanny.

Verify whether the person selected for the position of nanny is eligible to work in the United States using the Employment Eligibility Verification form from the Department of Homeland Security.

During the interview, I will ask for references from previous employers to check up on the nanny’s credentials.

Contact a background verification agency to do a background check on the prospective nanny.

Inform the state employment office about the hiring or rehiring of the nanny.

Set up a payroll system for the nanny according to federal norms and labor laws.

Calculate the wages, tax deduction, Medicare, and Social Security, and provide the nanny with a copy of the W-2 form including details of the wages and deductions.

In addition to the steps above, I will also consult a friend’s mother because she has hired nannies in the past.

Traits to Look for in the Nanny

Punctual and reliable: She must be punctual and stick to the work schedule. She must be reliable in informing us early about any holidays she might want to take.

Good listener: The nanny must be a good listener and follow all directions given to her regarding study time, naptime, playtime, and dietary restrictions. She must be receptive to the needs of the children, but also ensure they follow the rules set down for them.

Good organizer: The nanny must possess good organizational skills, and be able to allocate time to the various activities throughout the day.

Trustworthy, dependable, and responsible: The nanny must understand her responsibilities well. Along with taking care of the children, she must also create developmental activities for the kids. The nanny must be trustworthy because she will have total control over the children when the parents are away.

Good communication skills: She must have good communication skills to interact with the children and also with the parents.

Well-mannered and morally sound: Children learn from their caregivers and their surroundings. They will be spending a substantial amount of time with the nanny. So, it is extremely important that the nanny provide an example of good morals and behavior.

Alternative to Hiring a Nanny

I need to have full-time assistance with child care for the next few months. Financially, I can afford to hire a nanny for about 3 months. However, soon thereafter I may need to seek help from some relative or friend to look after my baby. Hiring a nanny for all of this time will be expensive for me.

My mom retires from work in four months. I can call her over to look after the baby after her retirement. In the meanwhile, if I need assistance with child care, I can call Cindy, a distant cousin, who lives in the neighborhood. Cindy is in high school and is usually good with kids. I will train her to look after the baby until I am confident she can handle the baby on her own. I can also use the services of some other girls in the neighborhood who I know offer their services as babysitters.

I will look for similar traits in a babysitter as listed above in case of the nanny. A babysitter needs to be dependable, trustworthy, and responsible. She should also be caring, sensitive (to children’s needs), and have good moral and ethical values. It is also important that the babysitter does not use drugs or consume alcohol. Because I plan to hire a girl from my neighborhood, I can run a quick background check from the common acquaintances before hiring the babysitter.

Use of New Technology

Next, we need to ensure the safety of children with the new nanny. I could use some of these following devices to track the children’s and the nanny’s activities:

a CCTV system around the house, including the play area outside house and the main entrance to the house, which will help me track not only the kids but also visitors and potential intruders

an automobile safety system for the car that the nanny will be using to drive the kids to school and back, which will ensure that speed limits are strictly observed, and the drive to school and back is safe

the Net Nanny Internet filtering software for the home computer so that the kids do not access inappropriate content on the Internet

a GPS device implanted in the child’s clothing to help me track my kids’ location

a government perceived as authoritarian, interfering, or overprotective

Read the poem. Instruments poised, chins high Not a blink, nor a sigh As every eye awaits her hand To cue the members of the band. What is the poem’s rhyme scheme? AABB ABAB ABCB ABCD


The poem's rhyme scheme should be AABB if the original version is written as

Instruments poised, chins high
Not a blink, nor a sigh
as every eye awaits her hand
to cue the members of the band.


