1. Reinforcement and punishment are two separate things. Reinforcement is used to increase the tendency of a particular response, while on the other hand, punishment is used to decrease the tendency of a particular response.
2. To accomplish reinforcement, one may use positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the addition of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular response. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, the student gets to go to the ice cream shop. Negative reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the removal of an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular behavior. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, they no don't have to wash the dishes that night.
To accomplish punishment, one may use positive punishment or negative punishment. Positive punishment is a type of punishment in which an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response/behavior. For example, a teen stays out past curfew and now has to do extra chores. Negative punishment is a type of punishment in which the removal of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response. An example of this would be a child getting in trouble and having her favorite toy taken away.
1. Reinforcement is when you are rewarded for doing something right. Punishment is to teach you that you are not doing something right and you must learn from it.
B) All areas of the brain of depressed persons are under-active.
C) Depression is related to neurotransmitter deregulation, genetics, and cognitive processes.
D) Women experience depression because estrogen, by its nature, is a depressant.
B) dysthymic disorder.
C) major depressive disorder.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.
b. make the public aware of environmental problems.
c. correct the abuses of big business.
d. organize the first labor union in the United States.
group members are too similar
people's needs are not met
a group member is an unpleasant person
Conflicts arises when two groups or individuals interacting in the same
The first factor is one's needs; when those things essential to personal well-being are being denied or taken away, conflict is likely to follow. Another factor is one's perceptions, such as when there is more than one way of looking at a situation.
You're welcome :D