Cunoasteti si alte sensuri ale cuvantului corn?Alcatuiti propoziti care sa ilustreze aceste sensuri


Answer 1
Answer: Get to know the other meanings of the word Horn? Compile your propoziti that illustrate these meanings

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The father of Andrew Jackson was... Andrew Jackson (lol). We call him Andrew Jackson Sr.
Andrew Jackson's dad's name is the same as him. So Andrew jackson is his name. 

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Which of the following are dysfunctional roles? Select all that apply. critic opinion,seeker, help-seeker, recognition seeker, self-confessor


The self-confessor, the recognition seeker, and the help seeker are examples of dysfunctional roles.

What are dysfunctional roles?

It corresponds to a psychological approach where an individual presents conflicts and negative behavior in a family, which can generate abusive situations.

Therefore, dysfunctional roles can be identified in a family, generating negative psychological situations for an individual.

Find out more about family roles here:


for me i would choose help-seker and self-confesser

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My blanket seemed to wrap around me and tell me it would be okay.