A train moving with a velocity of 87.1 km/hour North, increases its speed with a uniform acceleration of 0.250 m/s2 North until it reaches a velocity of 160.0 km/hour North. What distance did the train travel while it was increasing its velocity, in units of meters?


Answer 1


2780 meters


First, convert km/hr to m/s.

87.1 km/hr × (1000 m / km) × (1 hr / 3600 s) = 24.2 m/s

160.0 km/hr × (1000 m / km) × (1 hr / 3600 s) = 44.4 m/s


v₀ = 24.2 m/s

v = 44.4 m/s

a = 0.250 m/s²

Find: x

v² = v₀² + 2a (x − x₀)

(44.4 m/s)² = (24.2 m/s)² + 2(0.250 m/s²) (x − 0 m)

x = 2780 m

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How does the steady state theory of the origin of the universe differ from the Big Bang and oscillating theories?



Big bang describes an ever expanding model of the universe.

Steady state theory explains a universe that always existed in the same state.


The two theories Big bang and Steady state are two of the theories that  explain the origin of the universe in two different ways.

The Big bang model states that the universe is ever expanding and began from a singularity. It says that from that time universe is ever expanding creating new clusters of galaxies.

This was proved using mathematical formulae and models .

Steady state theory states that the density of matter remains unchanged due to the creation of matter. Observable universe is the same at any point of time is its summary.


The big bang is the theory that describes how the universe emerges, it tells us that in the beginning all the space was contained in a space that was too small, and from there, it expanded rapidly until it reached the state of the universe that we know today, and that continues in expansion.

The theory of the oscillating universe describes a universe that begins and ends cyclically, it  beging with something like the big bang, end ends in what is known as the big crunch, and so on. It says that the universe did not have a beginning but has always been restarting.

The theory of the static  or steady state universe describes a type of universe uniform in space and time. And in which the universe has always remained the same regardless of where it is observed, wich is different from the other theories since the big bang theory says the universe had a beginning. In this theory it is claimed that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. This theory is not very popular today.

Which way does the friction arrow in an FBD for a moving object point?in the direction of motion

opposite to the net force


opposite to motion


The friction arrow in an FBD for a moving object point is in opposite way to motion. Because friction always works in the opposite direction of the motion of the object.

Answer: Option D


When two object come into contact, the contact force come into play. Now, one component of the contact force i.e. the normal forces act perpendicularly at the direction of motion. Whereas, the frictional forces always acts parallel at the direction of the force acting on the object but in the opposite way.  

For example, if we slide a book on the table to the right hand side, the exact equal and opposite frictional force will induce in the opposite direction, tempting to reduce the motion.

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The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it. Zero net force means zero acceleration.

the wait lowbat na ko charge ko lang saglit

1 . A farmer moves along the boundary of his rectangular field of side 10m x 20m . farmer covers 1m in 1sec . what will be the magnitude of displacement at the total distance travelled.2 . Rahul pedals his cycle from rest. Pedals his cycle to get a
velocity of 10 ms-1  in 30 seconds.
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1). He's walking the 'perimeter' of his field, meaning 'the distance all the way around'.
If he stays right along the fence all the way, then the total distance he walks is
(10 + 20 + 10 + 20) = 60 meters. (It's a small field ... about 5% of an acre.)
The magnitude of displacement is the distance between the start point and end point,
regardless of the route.  After he finishes one whole trip around, his displacement is
zero, because he ends up at the same place where he started.
Notice the big fat red herring in the question: None of this depends on the speed
at which he walks.

2).  Acceleration = (change in speed) / (time for the change)

While speeding up, acceleration = (10 - 0) / 30 = 1/3 meter per second².

While slowing down, deceleration = (6 - 10) / 5 = -4/5 = -0.8 meter per second²

What is the difference between a radio telescope, x-ray telescope, and optical telescope (both reflecting and refracting)


They all see different types of wavelengths
x-rays are similar to gamma rays 
telescope uses glass.

Of the following metals, which is the MOST reactive? A. Li B. Be C. Na D. Mg


It’s Li. Group one elements are more reactive. Reactivity decreases down the group and also decreases across the periods