To end an argument about slavery in the territories
The purpose of the Missouri Compromise was to evenly divide(split) up the states into free states and slave states.
The purpose of the Missouri Compromise was to evenly divide(split) up the states into free states and slave states.
vice presidential office begun
executive power given to the ruler
a supreme court to decide judicial matters
The correct answers are "two-chamber parliament" and "executive power given to the ruler ". The Ottoman constitution of 1876 included a division in the parliament in two chambers: a Senate (upper house) and a Chamber of Deputies (lower house). Also this constitution gave the executive power to the ruler Midhat Pasha, as it was drawn up by Western educated Ottoman Armenian Krikor Odian, who was his advisor.
Bleeding Kansas was an event that happened as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 known as border war between border ruffins who suported slavery and free soilers who anted to made this territories as free from slavery
A. New Expansion
B. Economic Expansion
C. New Scramble
D. New Imperialism
A result of the Soviet Union separation was:
The political reorganization of former states took place to leave communism and adopt different political systems.
After the collapse f the soviet Union the lives of the former union changed. Many to positive, many for negative. However, countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, adopted democracies and grew incredibly fast to achieve better levels of quality of life than the ones they had when they belonged to the soviet union. They even developed better than Russia and got better opportunities. The countries that remained in communist systems didn't develop as the ones that left it in the past.
B. Sweden
C. Japan
D. Germany
E. Canada
Answer: One of the hardships they faced was that the ranchos were often a day's travel from each other, so loneliness was a big problem.