Why is Caesar considered a round character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?


Answer 1
Answer: He is considered a round character as opposed to a flat character because he is portrayed to have more depth than a character that might show up in one scene. This requires giving us time and information to know him. Think of a round character as you or a member of your family and a flat character as somebody you just met at the grocery store. Yes, their might be more to the person at the grocery store but you only are seeing so little that you only know them as another person. So, the correct answer is - Caesar is multifaceted: he is stubborn and proud, and the plebeians adore him, while the senators hate him. His story line is essential to the plot.

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Answer: The word that correctly completes the sentence is "abated".

Explanation: The word "abated" is a conjugated form of the verb "to abate". Moreover, it makes reference to something that has diminished in intensity. In other words, it is used to refer to something that has become less intense. In the case of this sentence, "abated" can be used with "flood waters" to mean that the flood waters have become less strong, which has allowed people to fix the damages. "Abated" is the only word among the options that could fill in the blank since, unlike the other words, it adds coherence to the sentence.

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a. an understood you
b. your
c. something
d. life


For once in your life, try something new and exciting.

The subject of the above sewntence is A. an understood you.

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