In 1912 the federal reserve Sytem was astablish by the what ?


Answer 1
Answer: The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. Over the years, its role in banking and the economy has expanded.

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Which European country was not an original member of NATO?Italy


The correct answer to this question is Spain. Spain is the European country who was not an original member of NATO. There are only twelve countries who founded the NATO; Norway, Italy, Denmark, United States, Belgium, Canada, France, Iceland, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands. 

PLEASE HELP I REALLY NEED THIS!!! At the end of WWI the economies of Europe were stronger than ever.






Europe was doing awful following the First World War. Not to mention the Great Depression soon after. They were in pretty bad shape.

The expansionist foreign policy of the 1890s derived significant inspiration from



Social Darwinism, imperialism, and Anglo-Saxon superiority


This is what the expansionist foreign policy of the 1890s derived significant inspiration from. During these years, many countries engaged in projects of imperialism and expansion. These were often driven by the belief that white people had a responsibility towards other countries and peoples of bringing civilization and advancement to those who did not enjoy it. It was also underpinned by a belief in the evolutionary superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

what did the itish,the Poles, and Slavic minorities in the Balkans and Australia-Hungary have in common?


they were all ethnic groups
Hey there

The Itish,the Poles, and Slavic minorities in the Balkans and Australia-Hungary were all ethnic groups. 

Should students be required to do homework? explain




The question of whether students should be required to do homework is a subject of debate in education, and opinions on this matter can vary. The answer depends on various factors, including the age of the students, the nature of the homework, and the educational philosophy of the school or district. Here are some arguments both for and against requiring students to do homework:

Arguments in Favor of Homework:

   Reinforcement of Learning: Homework can serve as a valuable tool to reinforce what students have learned in class. It provides an opportunity for students to practice and apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired during lessons.

   Independent Learning: Homework encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and develop independent study habits. It can teach time management, organization, and self-discipline.

   Preparation for Assessments: Homework assignments can prepare students for upcoming tests or assessments. They offer a chance to review and consolidate their understanding of the material.

   Parental Involvement: Homework can foster communication between parents and their children about what is being taught in school. It provides parents with insights into their child's education and allows them to offer support.

Arguments Against Homework:

  Overload: Excessive homework can lead to stress, burnout, and a lack of balance in students' lives. It can take away from valuable family and recreational time, potentially leading to negative effects on mental and physical health.

   Inequity: Not all students have access to the same resources at home, such as a quiet study space, internet access, or parental help. This can create disparities in the ability to complete homework assignments.

  Quality Over Quantity: Critics argue that the focus should be on the quality of learning in the classroom rather than the quantity of homework. Effective teaching in school should minimize the need for excessive homework.

   Lack of Engagement: Some students may not find homework engaging or relevant to their learning. If the assignments do not align with their interests or abilities, they may view homework as a chore rather than a learning opportunity.

In conclusion, the question of whether students should be required to do homework is complex and multifaceted. It's essential to strike a balance between the potential benefits of homework and the potential drawbacks. Many educators advocate for thoughtful, purposeful homework assignments that align with learning objectives and take into account students' needs and well-being. Ultimately, the decision about whether to require homework should be made with a consideration of the individual needs and circumstances of the students, along with a focus on effective pedagogy and student well-being.

How early did a medieval blacksmith get up?



Medieval blacksmiths typically woke up very early, often before dawn, to start their work.