An electric current is conducted by what?


Answer 1

An electric current is conduced by the solution of NaCI

I hope that's help !

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The mass of a substance is the mass per mole of its entities, where the term entities can describe



            The molar mass of a substance is the mass per mole of its entities, where the term entities can describe atoms, molecules, ions or formula units.


                  Molar mass is the mass of any compound divided by mole. Means, if any chemical is given a specific molar mass it means this mass is being given by 6.022 × 10²³ entities of that chemical.

                  The molar mass of any compound is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all atoms present in that chemical.


Molar Mass of H₂ =  1.008 + 1.008  =  2.016 g/mol

Molar Mass of NaOH  =  23 + 16 + 1  =  40 g/mol

Molar Mass of HCl =  1 + 35.5  =  36.5 g/mol

When are atoms considered stable?when they have satisfied the law of conservation of mass naturally or through bonding to obtain
full valence shells

when they have satisfied the octet rule naturally or through bonding to obtain full valence shells

when their valence electrons have "fallen" back to ground state through bonding



when they have satisfied the octet rule naturally or through bonding to obtain full valence shells


Generally, most atoms of an element are unstable because they have a void in their electron shell to fill, hence, they need to react with other elements to fulfil this task of octet.

Octet rule states that atoms of elements engage in reactions to form compounds so they can have eight (8) valence electrons in their shell. Noble gases e.g argon, neon etc. are elements that have naturally satisfied this octet rule by possession of 8 valence electrons in their shell. Other elements that do not have this naturally becomes reactive and enter bonding with other atoms to obtain full valence shells.

Which physical change is endothermic?(1) CO2(s)-->CO2(g) (3) CO2(g)-->CO2(l)
(2) CO2(l)-->CO2(s) (4) CO2(g)-->CO2(s)


Answer: The correct option is 1.

Explanation:Endothermic reactions are the reactions in which heat is provided to break down the reactant molecules.

In option 1:

The stronger intermolecular forces between the particles in solid molecule are broken down to convert into gaseous form. Hence, some energy in the form of heat is provided to move them far apart. Therefore, it is considered as an endothermic reaction.

In option 2, 3 and 4:

All the other processes involves the formation of bonds and thus there is no need to provide any energy.

The physical change that is endothermic is \boxed{\left( 1 \right){\text{ C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right)}.

Further explanation:

Changes are of two types:

(A) Physical changes:

It is the process in which the physical properties of the system are affected. These changes can also be reversed by physical methods. In these kinds of changes, the molecular composition of the substance remains the same. These are reversible in nature and no new substances are formed. For example, boiling of water, chopping of wood, melting of wax are physical changes.

(B) Chemical changes:

In this change, new substances are formed by the chemical combination of the previous substances. The chemical properties of substance changes when it undergoes a chemical change. These are irreversible in nature. For example, fermentation of grapes, burning of wood, rusting of iron are chemical changes.

Endothermic reactions are those in which more energy needs to be supplied to the system than that released by it.

Exothermic reactions are those in which more energy is released by the system than that supplied to it.

(1){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right)

In this reaction, solid carbon dioxide is converted into gaseous carbon dioxide. The strong intermolecular force of attraction in solid needs to be broken down and energy is supplied for this purpose. Hence this is an endothermic process.

(2){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( l \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right)

In this reaction, liquid carbon dioxide is converted into solid carbon dioxide. The intermolecular forces in liquid molecules are weaker than that present in solid molecules and are broken down easily so energy is released during the process. Hence this is an exothermic process.

(3){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( l \right)

In this reaction, gaseous carbon dioxide is converted into liquid carbon dioxide. The intermolecular forces in gas molecules are weaker than that present in liquid molecules and are broken down easily so energy is released during the process. Hence this is an exothermic process.

(4){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right)

In this reaction, gaseous carbon dioxide is converted into solid carbon dioxide. The intermolecular forces in gas molecules are weaker than that present in solid molecules and are broken down easily so energy is released during the process. Hence this is an exothermic process.

Learn more:

1. Which of these is an extensive property?

2. Which of the phase changes is an exothermic change?

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Physical and chemical changes

Keywords: physical change, chemical change, CO2, endothermic, exothermic, solid, liquid, gaseous, intermolecular forces, strong, weaker.

A student blows up a balloon, seals it tightly, and places it in a very cold freezer. After a few hours, the balloon has gotten smaller. Which of the following statements best explains the decrease in the balloon’s volume? the multiple choice

a. As the temperature decreases, the molecules gain energy and move closer together, causing the balloon to shrink.

b.As the balloon releases energy, the molecules break apart into atoms, causing the balloon to shrink.

c.As the temperature decreases, the molecules lose energy and move closer together, causing the balloon to shrink.

d.As the balloon absorbs energy, the molecules move more quickly, causing the balloon to shrink.


I think the best answer is C. The statement that best explains the decrease in volume of the balloon is that as the temperature decreases, the molecules lose energy and move closer together, causing the balloon to shrink. Temperature is directly related to kinetic energy. As the temperature decreases the kinetic energy of the molecules decreases as well causing for them to move less and be closer to each other.

Why are protons in an atom so important? Question 5 options: A. Protons determine the atoms' identity (type of element) and where it is located on the periodic table. B. Protons are bigger than all the other particles in an atom. C. Protons determine an atom's chemical properties and how it will react with other elements. D. There are more protons than electrons or neutrons in a neutral atom.


Your answer is A my friend as the atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of protons

I would say option A

Which is a characteristic property of acids? A-they, turn blue litmus paper red . B-they, turn red litmus paper blue. C-they tastes bitter D-they don't react with metals



Option A


Option A - Blue litmus paper turns red under acidic conditions so this option is correct.

Option B - Acids do not turn red litmus paper red, bases are the ones responsible for that. Hence, this option is incorrect.

Option C - Acids generally taste sour due to the sour H+ ion; bases taste bitter due to the OH- ion. This option is incorrect.

Option D - This option is incorrect as acid reacts with metal, to form salt and hydrogen.

They turn blue litmus paper to red.

They also taste sour.