It gave the public audience the ability to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions.
It caused people to spend more time consuming entertainment programming rather than political events.
It led to the creation of regulatory agencies that prevent news stations from taping public officials' speeches.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali iAn Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.
B. The rivers provided water and rich soil
Remember that Mesopotamia literally means "between two rivers" refering to the Tigris and the Euphrates, this gives us an important hint to answer the question. This region was located in the eastern Mediterranean, modern-day Iran, Syria and Turkey. Mesopotamia was a collection of different cultures that shared only their script, their gods, and their way they saw women. It is known as the "cradle of civilization" because they invented writing, the wheel and the idea of city. As they were agrarian societies, they depended on a reliable source of water; these two rivers provided it, making it possible to them to grow crops and raise livestock. It was until the invention of aqueducts, by the roman, that civilizations could transport water to farther places.
b. international terrorism required the death penalty.
c. that response attacks must also include humanitarian aid.
d. that allied nations must support a nation under attack.
bad they have cold weather
b. False