High level programming language
There are two groups of programming software:
1. High level programing: Here you can program using almost natural languaje and making complex instructions on a simpler way. The advantages is faster programming and the ability to do complex programs. In this example we can use languages like C/C++, visualbasic.
2. Low level programming: This type of programing is near to machine language (binary - '0' and '1'), and usually is used to obtain full performance of the processor. But requires a high level of expertise from the programmer and is complex to write simple task, like "store a variable". Example: Assembler languague.
Wi-Fi is the name of a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections.
B. we all have to learn how to cite information.
C. it can spread harmful scams or false information.
D. it cannot improve how we get or send information.
One disadvantage of online information sharing is that it can spread harmful scams or false information. Thus, the correct option for this question is C.
The disadvantages of online information are as follows:
According to the context of this question, online information typically improves how we get or send information. This mechanism generally enhances the advantages of online information. While the disadvantage of sharing online information is that it can spread harmful scams or false information.
Therefore, the correct option for this question is C.
To learn more about Online information, refer to the link:
Answer: C
i dont know why but odyssey ware says it is
function [ repPos, pinCodeFix ] = pinCodeCheck( pinCode )
pinCodeFixTemp = pinCode;
repPosTemp = [];
for i = 1:length(pinCode)
if((i > 1)) & (pinCode(i) == pinCode(i - 1))
repPosTemp([i]) = i;
repPosTemp([i]) = 0;
for i = 1:length(pinCode)
if(repPosTemp(i) > 0)
pinCodeFixTemp(i) = 0;
repPosTemp = nonzeros(repPosTemp);
pinCodeFixTemp = nonzeros(pinCodeFixTemp);
repPos = repPosTemp';
pinCodeFix = pinCodeFixTemp';
Let me start off by saying this isn't the most efficient way to do this, but it will work.
Temporary variables are created to hold the values of the return arrays.
pinCodeFixTemp = pinCode;
repPosTemp = [];
A for loop iterates through the length of the pinCode array
for i = 1:length(pinCode)
The if statement checks first to see if the index is greater than 1 to prevent the array from going out of scope and causing an error, then it also checks if the value in the pinCode array is equal to the value before it, if so, the index is stored in the temporary repPos.
if((i > 1)) & (pinCode(i) == pinCode(i - 1))
repPosTemp([i]) = i;
Otherwise, the index will be zero.
repPosTemp([i]) = 0;
Then another for loop is created to check the values of the temporary repPos to see if there are any repeating values, if so, those indexes will be set to zero.
for i = 1:length(pinCode)
if(repPosTemp(i) > 0)
pinCodeFixTemp(i) = 0;
Last, the zeros are removed from both temporary arrays by using the nonzeros function. This causes the row array to become a column array and the final answer is the temporary values transposed.
repPosTemp = nonzeros(repPosTemp);
pinCodeFixTemp = nonzeros(pinCodeFixTemp);
repPos = repPosTemp';
pinCodeFix = pinCodeFixTemp';