At one time, dinosaurs lived on Earth. Today they are extinct. This relates to _____.A. microevolution
B. both macroevolution and microevolution
C. macroevolution


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is letter C. macroevolution. Macroevolution refers to an evolution of the largest scale, specifically creation of new species and extinction while Microevolution refers to a change in gene frequency within a population; molecular basis for evolution. The process of speciation may fall within the purview of either, depending on the forces thought to drive it. 
Answer 2




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Please answer asap1)How do conservation tillage practices lead to agricultural sustainability? a. Conservation tillage practices reduce the amount of water required to grow crops. b. Conservation tillage practices help reduce soil erosion and maintain soil nutrient levels. c. Conservation tillage practices naturally protect crops from insect damage, reducing the need for pesticides. d. Conservation tillage practices reduce the amount of energy needed to produce crops.
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1. The correct answer is B. Conservation tillage practices help the soil erosion and also maintains soil nutrient levels.

Conservation tillage is termed as the tillage system which helps to conserve energy, soil, water through retention of crop residue and reduction of tillage intensity.

2. Correct answer is A. Aquifers 1 and 3 may result in a reduced river flow. Aquifer is termed as the underground layer of rock fractures, water-bearing permeable rock.

Hydrogeology is termed as study of water flow which is found in aquifers.

3. Correct answer is A. Recycling materials helps decrease the amount of new material which are taken from environment.

Most household can be recycled. Some other examples which are recycled include textiles, plastics, organics, and metals. Metals such as drinking bottles and food cans which are made from steel and aluminium can be recycled.

The answer is given at the attached file. 

What would happen if the aerobic respiration process broke down in a tropical rain forest?


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: Aerobic Respiration by definition is the process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen. If the aerobic respiration process broke down in a tropical rain forest, then the tropical rain forest cannot produce foods.

Which molecule stores more than 90 times the energy in ATP ?


Glucose i believe ... , if not , im sorreh >.<

Briefly (3-5 sentences) summarize cell division in prokaryotic cells.



Prokaryotic cells have a ring-shaped nucleus, however it is not fully defined, and thanks to this, their DNA is found unlike eukaryotic cells, scattered in the cytoplasm, an example of a prokaryotic cell is a bacterium, which has Oval shaped


Hope I help!

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not sure about disinfectant and we can't count on tires i guess so the answers are:

The ______ is the nerve tissue at the back of the eye, which receives the image that has been formed by the cornea, the pupil, and the crystalline lens.


The correct answer is that the retina is the nerve tissue at the back of the eye, which receives the image that has been formed by the cornea, the pupil, and the crystalline lens. The retina is a delicate tissue that it important to check on in the case of eye-strain, so that general eye health can be maintained.

Retina and crystalline lens

The lens concentrates on light through the transparent humor, a transparent gel-like material that permeates the back of the eye and controls the retina. The retina sustains the image that the cornea concentrates through the eye's inner lens and converts this image into electrical vibrations that are transported by the optic nerve to the brain.

The crystalline lens is the title given to the original lens that people are born with. Small muscles connected to the lens can make the lens to change its shape, which enables the eyes to concentrate on near or far objects.