Real Exchange Rate computed as German goods per U.S. goods: 2
Cost in the US: 0.50 dollar
Cost in Germany: 1 euro
Real Exchange Rate: German Goods / U.S. Goods
Real Exchange Rate: 1 / 0.50 = 2
The real exchange rate measures the price of foreign goods relative to the price of domestic goods.
b. Property taxes
c. Credit card balance
d. Home equity loan
transaction balances
Transaction balances refers to the cash needed to pay daily transactions.
When a company has excess cash it means that this cash is setting still without producing any benefit. Cash is the most liquid asset, since it's already money. But cash doesn't earn any money, it even loses value due to inflation.
A company should have the minimum amount of money needed as cash, just enough to cover its daily needs (transaction balance). This way it can invest remaining cash in something that generates interest, doesn't matter if the interest rte is very small, something is better than nothing.
It is a vehicle that requires high minimum balances but offers higher interest rates
I hope that's help;0