c. An oxbow lake
b. A stream
d. Groundwater
An Oxbow Lake forms when a loop of a river becomes cut off from the rest of the stream. This usually happens due to erosion and the natural movement of the river over time.
When a loop of a river becomes cut off from the rest of the stream, it forms a water body known as an Oxbow Lake. This process usually occurs over time due to erosion and the natural movement of the river.
Eventually, the river carves a new, shorter path and leaves the old, meandering path isolated. This cut-off section forms a U-shaped lake that resembles the yoke of an ox, hence its name 'Oxbow Lake'.
the creation of Israel
The correct answer is - b. the red sea.
The Red Sea is a sea located between the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula and the northeastern part of Africa, and it represents a natural border between them. It is a sea that has a linear appearance, with northwest-southeast direction. It is connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal, which is very important canal for the trade between Europe and North Africa with the Asian countries.
It is B. The Red Sea.
Christianity and Shintoism are the correct answers.
Most smaller stars don't have a radiative zone. In the radiative zone