In the human body, cells are the basic units of life. Groups of cells working together for a specific function form tissues. Organs are two or more tissues operating together. Even separate organs work together, forming body systems.
Scientific method is an empirical method of knowledge acquisition, involving careful observation, formulating hypotheses based on such observations, testing deductions drawn from the hypotheses, and refinement or rejection of hypotheses based on the results of the tests.ext we have to know what “theory of evolution” we’re talking about. Let’s begin with the theory proposed by Charles Darwin in the Origin of Species.
I don’t know what “No assumptions here” in the question details is supposed to mean. Making hypotheses is part of the scientific method. Maybe it means that a hypothesis is assumed subject to verification, while an assumption is an axiom not subject to test. The scientific method makes testable hypotheses but never makes firm assumptions.
Darwin made a lot of observations. Then he made two hypotheses:
The observed variation among individuals can accumulate to produce all the differences we observe among species.
The effect of these variations on the ability of a living entity to survive and reproduce preserves some variations and eliminates others.
The heritability of variations was essential to the theory, but it was an observed fact, not an assumption or a hypothesis.
Medulla oblongata
Answer: Cerebrum because it is the largest part of the brain
Having smooth seeds is a recessive trait.
Having smooth seeds is a dominant trait.
Both parents had a recessive allele for seed shape.
Neither parent had a recessive allele for seed shape.
A bean plant is heterozygous for seed shape. Its seeds are smooth. Having smooth seeds is a dominant trait is best supported by the information.
Traits are the attributes of an organism which are influenced by the environment and expressed by genes, the Physical features of an organism, such as hair color, leaf form, size, behavioral characteristics,
Species with substantial variation in traits For example, white-tailed deer in Pennsylvania have seed coat color with limited variation, all the organism have characteristics are genetic traits or behavioral traits.
Genetic Traits can be defined as the genes that one gets from both parents influence, the Individual and independent traits are defined by genes, which are encoded by unique portions of our DNA.
For more details regarding traits , visit
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