Some viruses consist only of a protein coat surrounding a nucleic acid core. If you wanted to radioactively label the nucleic acids separately from the protein, you would use radioactive ________.


Answer 1

Some viruses consist only of a protein coat surrounding a nucleic acid core. If you wanted to radioactively label the nucleic acids separately from the protein, you would use radioactive nucleotides.

To selectively label the nucleic acids separate from the protein in viruses, radioactive nucleotides are utilized. These radioactive nucleotides contain a radioactive isotope and can be incorporated into the viral nucleic acids during processes like replication or synthesis. This incorporation enables the specific labeling of the genetic material while leaving the protein coat unlabeled.

Researchers use this technique to trace and investigate the behavior and interactions of nucleic acids, providing insights into viral replication, gene expression, and various molecular processes. Radioactively labeled nucleotides, such as tritiated thymidine (3H-thymidine) or 32P-labeled phosphate groups, have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of nucleic acid biology and have applications in fields ranging from virology to molecular genetics.

Learn more about nucleic acids here:


Answer 2

Answer: Phosphorous


Phosphorous can be used to label Nucleic acid. Nucleic acids can be modified or labelled using tags .

Some common materials or substances that can be used to label nucleic acids are flurophore, enzymes, radioactive phosphorous, biotin et cetera.

The nucleic acid of virus is labelled using phosphorous. When this virus will infect the host cell then nucleic acids will be seen separately.

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False it prevents red blood cells from taking up Oxygen not carbon dioxide

The answer is false.

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Compared to most animals, the growth of most plants is best described as



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During photosynthesis, unused oxygen atoms form oxygen gas (O2) which is released as a waste product. How did these oxygen atoms originally enter the plant?They were part of the ATP molecules gathered by the chloroplasts.

They were part of the sugar molecules (C6H12O6) the plant brought in for food.

They were part of the carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules that entered through the leaves.

They were part of the water molecules (H2O) pulled in through the roots.


The right answer is D.

The first phase of photosynthesis, called the light phase, requires the illumination of the sheet. This photochemical phase corresponds to the capture of light energy by light-absorbing pigments and its conversion into chemical energy in the form of ATP. In this reaction, the photosensitive pigments ("chlorophyll b", carotene and xanthophylls) absorb and then channel the light energy to the "chlorophyll a" whose electrons are brought to a higher energy potential. In this excited state, the electrons of chlorophyll are derived to a system that extracts and stores their energy for later use in the synthesis of sugars. The result of this electron transfer is the splitting of the water molecules to give hydrogen (H) and oxygen (0) atoms. Oxygen escapes in gaseous form O2 into the atmosphere through open stomata. This whole sequence is done in a fraction of a second.

The reaction is as follows:

H2O ==> 1/2 O2 + 2e- + 2H +

Answer: Option D.  They were part of the water molecules (H2O) pulled in through the roots



Photosynthesis defined as the process by which plants make there own food by trapping sunlight and using carbon-dioxide and water to produce glucose as energy.

During photosynthesis oxygen is formed as raw material along with glucose after utilizing carbon-dioxide and water.

Photosynthesis process take place in two stages light-dependent and light-independent process. During the light-dependent reactions,  water molecule releases an electron and oxygen and hydrogen atoms gets free. The free oxygen atom combines with another free oxygen atom and forms diatomic oxygen (O2) that released to atmosphere.

This is how oxygen enters the plants as a part of water molecules. through roots.

Vultures which are classified as scavengers are an important part of an ecosystem because they


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus may reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased insulin production. Most Type II diabetes do not produce insulin.True / False.



Type 2 diabetes mellitus generally reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased insulin production- True.

Most Type II diabetes do not produce insulin- False.


Diabetes mellitus may be defined as the group of metabolic disorder that re characterized by the high blood glucose levels in the body of an individual.The receptor sensitivity decreases towards insulin decreases in Type II diabetes.

The insulin is produced in the proper amount during Type II diabetes. The receptors are unable to respond towards the diabetes.

Thus, the answer is a)-True


Final answer:

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and declining insulin receptor sensitivity. Over time, the insulin production may decrease but does not stop entirely.


The statement is partially true. In Type 2 diabetes mellitus, the primary problem is often not a lack of insulin production but rather a decreased sensitivity of body tissues to insulin, a condition known as insulin resistance. As a result, the body needs higher amounts of insulin to lower blood glucose levels. However, over time, the beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin can become impaired and may produce less insulin, but they don't stop producing insulin altogether as suggested by the statement.

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes mellitus here:


True or False: Enzymes are fatty acid catalysts a) True b) False


b) false
Because they are proteins not lipids which means they are amino acids Enzymes not fatty acids enzymes

a) True

Hope this helps!!!