HELPRead the following sentence from the passage.

_______ their attributes are different depending on the story and storytellers, gnomes are consistently described as having human-like features.

Choose the linking word that best fits the blank.

is it D??


Answer 1
Answer: Yes, I believe you are correct!

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The following passage is from page 20 of the book Interesting Creatures of the Sea by Cameron James:Plough snails are animals that live on the seashore. They use their fleshy bodies to bury themselves in the sand during low tides. The snails do this in order to avoid getting washed out to sea. When the high tide rolls in, the snails come out of the sand. They turn their bodies into the waves and let the water push them further up onto the beach. Plough snails eat dead fish and other dead animals that wash up on the beach. These creatures have a keen sense of smell. They can detect even the tiniest amount of dead animal particles in the water. When they smell a dead animal on the beach, they hurry toward it. The snails have a straw-like tube that they stick into dead animals. They use the tube structures to suck their food. Plough snails can eat enough at one time to keep them alive for two weeks. According to MLA guidelines, which of the following sentences quotes this passage correctly? A. James states, "Plough snails use their fleshy bodies to bury themselves in the sand during low tides" (20). B. James states, "The snails come out of the sand when the high tide rolls in" (20). C. James states, "Plough snails bury themselves in order to avoid getting washed out to sea" (20). D. James states, "They turn their bodies into the waves and let the water push them further up onto the beach" (20).
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Please help me at englishComplete the sentences by making comparisons with one of these adjectives or adverbs
This computer performs the ... of all.It s brilliant.
I hate having the flu.It s ..... than having a cold.
Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even ..... .
Do you want a big piece of pizza.Yes please.The .... the better.
I go to the cinema once a month but I like to go ........


1. This computer performs BEST of all. It is brilliant. - comparison of WELL (You shouldn't use THE here, because you are not comparing an adjective, rather an adverb which doesn't need THE).
2. I hate having the flu. It's WORSE than having a cold. - comparison of BAD
3. Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even MORE ANNOYING. - comparison of ANNOYING
4. DO you want a big piece of pizza? Yes, please. The BIGGER the better. - comparison of BIG
5. I go to the cinema once a month but I'd like to go MORE FREQUENTLY. - comparison of FREQUENTLY

This computer performs best of all. It's brilliant. (compare of well)

I hate having the flu. It's worse than having a cold. (compare of bad)

Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even more annoying. (compare of annoying)

Do you want a big piece of pizza? Yes, please. The bigger the better. (compare of big)

I go to the cinema once a month but I like to go more frequently. (compare of frequently)

Further Explanation

In completing the sentence we must pay attention to the tenses and grammar. Also, note the location of the word should be in the right place. For example, these tenses use what verbs, what to be, and time adverbs. Where the subject, object, etc.

Skips text is a form of practice to determine the right words to complete paragraphs or text skips. Choosing the most appropriate words to complete a paragraph of text is not difficult if you are already know-how. We must be keen to understand the meaning of sentences and the choice of logical answers.

In this function the adverb of frequency is often used as time signals as exemplified by the author below:

  • Always
  • Often
  • Usually
  • every day / week / month
  • all the time twice a day
  • once a week

Learn More

Completing sentence

Tenses and grammar


Class: Middle School

Subject: English

Keywords: sentence, tenses, grammar

PLEASE ANSWER Which is not a characteristic of a compound sentence.


B. Is correct. Here is why.

A. Is true because a normal sentence contains 1 clause. A compound contains two.

C. You will always need a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

D. Could possibly be correct depending on what you are writing.

Have a nice day!

I have to do some paper about racism and discrimination. Those are some of the questions that I need to answer. Can someone please answer me? At least now all of the question but 1 or two? Thanks!Describe the difference between racism and discrimination. Is either one legal or illegal?
What are the penalties?
What is the difference between racism experienced by the Frank family and people today? Black, gays, etc.


Well Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. and Discrimination is action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice. This includes treatment of an individual or group based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated". Also a Penalty is a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.
Hope this helps ^-^ 
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. that is the definition for racian whatever hope it helps

Which sentence uses correct capitalization? A. If you turn right on Dwight Street from Elm Street, you'll be going East. B. Many American pioneers traveled across the plains of the Midwest. C. A group of talented African American writers flourished during the period of the Harlem renaissance. D. Let's call Heffernan Roofing company about that leak.


Many American pioneerstraveled across the plains of the Midwest.

Which sentence is the word liable used correctly A my dog is liable to growl if a stranger comes to the door
B the blueberries are liable from r making a pie
C if I study hard, I am liable to fail the test
D on a bright, sunny afternoon, the park is liable to be empty


The word liable means likely to do or to be something. So the sentence that uses that uses liable correctly in a sentence is A. Hope this helps!
I think its D because its saying it right but also A is to

In “Cruel Tribute,” which character’s actions most advance the development of the plot?





In "Cruel Tribute", King Minos of Crete had imposed a tribute of seven maidens and seven young men on Athens. This was his way of exacting revenge on the killing of his son Androgeos, who he claimed was killed by the Athenian King Aegeus. Thesues is the new found son of King Aegeus, who had volunteered to be part of the tribute to be sent to King Minos. His character's actions of fighting the Minotaur in the cave, and the subsequent following by Ariadne, the Princess of Crete all led to the development of the plot.

The character whose actions most advance the development of the plot in "Cruel Tribute" would definitely be Theseus.

This tale puts the mythical king of Greece and prime contributor to the birth of Athens at the center of all the action. We follow his many battles against multiple villains throughout the story until he becomes a living legend, most notably after defeating the minotaur of King Minos. Theseus' struggles and conquests constitute the main driving force which propels the plot forward.

Hope this helps!