"The boys being set free symbolizes them being free from the rules of the school". And "The blind street symbolizes the aimless and drab life on North Richmond Street."
Be clear about your goals.
Choose effective words.
Be aware of feedback.
Understand your receiver.
The third step of effective communication is 'Understanding your receiver', which involves adjusting your communication based on the receiver's communication needs and perspectives.
The third step of effective communication is 'Understanding your receiver'. This step implies recognizing and adapting to the receiver's communication style, needs, and perspectives. It's important to have a clear idea of who you are communicating with. If you do not understand your receiver, your message may get misinterpreted or misunderstood. For instance, if you are communicating a complex science concept to a non-specialist audience, then you will need to avoid jargon and use layman's terms.
"Full worthy was he in his liege-lord's war,
And therein had he ridden (none more far)
As well in Christendom as heathenesse,
And honoured everywhere for worthiness.
At Alexandria, he, when it was won;"
The narrator describes the gathering individuals as indicated by their social positions. The pilgrims speak to a various cross-area of fourteenth-century English society.
The line from Chaucer's 'General Prologue' references the feudal social structure of medieval England by describing a knight embodying the period's virtues. This representation mirrors the high standing of knights in the feudal hierarchy.
The line from Chaucer's 'General Prologue' to The Canterbury Tales referencing the feudal social structure of medieval England is: 'A knight there was, and that a worthy man, That from the time that he first began, To riden out, he loved chivalry, Truth and honour, freedom and courtesy.'
This line describes a knight who embodies the virtues of the period: chivalry, truth, honor, freedom, and courtesy. In the feudal system, the knight is a warrior aristocrat who serves his lord (often a more powerful nobleman or the king) as a vassal. He is expected to behave with these virtues and this sophisticated depiction suggests the upper echelons of the feudal hierarchy.
In the graphic novel "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi, the moment when Marji declares she is an adult is depicted in the chapter titled "The Cigarette." This chapter explores Marji's rebellious phase during her teenage years in Iran.
Marji declares herself an adult when she decides to smoke a cigarette. In Iranian culture, smoking is often seen as a symbol of adulthood and rebellion. Marji's decision to smoke represents her desire to assert her independence and break free from societal expectations.
During a party, Marji is offered a cigarette by her friends. Initially hesitant, she eventually takes it and lights it up. In this moment, she declares to herself and those around her that she is no longer a child but an adult capable of making her own choices.
However, it is important to note that Marji's declaration of adulthood through smoking is a symbol of her rebellion rather than a true indicator of maturity. Throughout the novel, Marji goes through various experiences and learns important life lessons that shape her understanding of adulthood beyond superficial acts.
In summary, Marji declares herself an adult in "Persepolis" during the chapter "The Cigarette" when she decides to smoke a cigarette. This act represents her rebellion and desire to assert her independence. However, it is crucial to recognize that true adulthood is defined by more than just superficial actions and requires personal growth and maturity.