It was when he saw the Simonites getting punished. They sold ecclesiastic favors to gain riches and were being punished by being hung upside down with their feet on fire with baptismal oil. Dante abhorred the corruption of the Church and this was one way he inserted it into his work.
For the example of poetry look through Psalms, there's a lot in there!
There are many ways to communicate using poetry, but these would include the ways I use poetry to communicate. One way I use poetry to communicate is by the way I feel, that's typically how many people do it.. I say by the way I feel because it is one of many ways for my feelings to come forth & be out in the open. Poetry gives me a chance to come face to face with how I feel, so when writing I typically write about what has hurt me or what is keeping me in sync. Poetry is one of the things that I can connect to, because it is how I can come forth about the way I feel... It is communicating with me, people who hurt me, or my loved ones.
I hope this helped, have a blessed day, xoxo!!