. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 113 m słatan angle of 60.0degrees above the horizontal from the top of a cliff 49.0 m high.
(a) the time to reach maximum height
(b) the maximum height above the base of the cliff reached by the
(c) thetotal time it is in the air
(d) the horizontal range of the projectile.​


Answer 1


a) 9.99 s

b) 538 m

c) 20.5 s

d) 1160 m



x₀ = 0 m

y₀ = 49.0 m

v₀ = 113 m/s

θ = 60.0°

aₓ = 0 m/s²

aᵧ = -9.8 m/s²

a) At the maximum height, the vertical velocity vᵧ = 0 m/s.  Find t.

vᵧ = aᵧ t + v₀ᵧ

(0 m/s) = (-9.8 m/s²) t + (113 sin 60.0° m/s)

t ≈ 9.99 s

b) At the maximum height, the vertical velocity vᵧ = 0 m/s.  Find y.

vᵧ² = v₀ᵧ² + 2aᵧ (y − y₀)

(0 m/s)² = (113 sin 60° m/s)² + 2 (-9.8 m/s²) (y − 49.0 m)

y ≈ 538 m

c) When the projectile lands, y = 0 m.  Find t.

y = y₀ + v₀ᵧ t + ½ aᵧ t²

(0 m) = (49.0 m) + (113 sin 60° m/s) t + ½ (-9.8 m/s²) t²

You'll need to solve using quadratic formula:

t ≈ -0.489, 20.5

Since negative time doesn't apply here, t ≈ 20.5 s.

d) When the projectile lands, y = 0 m.  Find x. (Use answer from part c).

x = x₀ + v₀ₓ t + ½ aₓ t²

x = (0 m) + (113 cos 60° m/s) (20.5 s) + ½ (0 m/s²) (20.5 s)²

x ≈ 1160 m

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should be 28 meters per second.
140m ÷ 5s

Final answer:

The average speed of a cheetah that runs 140 meters in 5 seconds is calculated by dividing the distance by time, which equals 28 m/s.


To calculate the average speed of a cheetah running a distance of 140 meters in 5 seconds, we use the formula for average speed which is:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

Substituting the given values of distance and time in this equation, we get:

Average Speed = 140 meters / 5 seconds

Solving this, we obtain the average speed of the cheetah as 28 m/s.

The average speed is a scalar, meaning we do not include direction in the answer. For comparison purposes, the speed of a typical automobile might be around 15 m/s.

Learn more about Average Speed here:



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viscosity is one term you could use
well water or any  liquid  actually takes the form of the cup of bowl or whatever you put the liquid in
REMEMBER- Liquid has no shape.
hope this helps!!!!!!!!

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In some parts of the ocean the Carbon levels are really high.

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Also we do not "yet" have a way for gas of a fan powered sub to run for multiple hours
 ( months or days)

I hope this helps
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