the distance from one molecule in a body to the nearest molecule in the body occupying a similar positon moving in the same direction is a


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is C. wavelength

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Answer: d) iodine

Explanation: because sea water is salty so the all sea animals live in salty water because of that it contains rich of iodine



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A powerful computer is used to develop new drugs by looking at the molecular structure and chemical composition of target cells and creating substances that will bind to certain molecules, affecting their function inside the body. What is the term for this new technology?A. PharmacogenomicsB. GenometricsC. Personalized medicineD. Rational drug design



A. Pharmacogenomics


The use of persons genetic makeup or information or genome, to select or choose the medicine and dosage of the drugs to be administered  that will likely work t for that particular person is called Pharmacogenomics . This  field of science combines the knowledge of how drugs work, called pharmacology, with the knowledge of the human genome, called genomics.

The aim of Pharmacogenomics is to optimize drug therapy, with consideration on the patients' genotype. Moreover it targets to ensure maximum efficiency with minimum adverse reactions. By utilizing pharmacogenomics, we have a high hope that drug treatments can veer away from the "one-dose-fits-all" approach to medication.


How does the uncontrolled cellular division result in cancer cells?


Cancer is unchecked cell growth. Mutations in genes can cause cancer by accelerating cell division rates or inhibiting normal controls on the system, such as cell cycle arrest or programmed cell death. As a mass of cancerous cells grows, it can develop into a tumor.
Hope this is what u're looking for!

Why the chromosomes are in so many different positions, rather than in one distinctive position?


Answer: Chromosomes are the thread like structures, which are made up of DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid). They are present in different locations rather than in one distinctive location ( like some are present at the nuclear center and some at the periphery). This is due to the density of genes present on them and the size of the chromosome as chromosomes have variable size.

Thus, size of chromosome and the gene density correlates to their different positions rather than one distinctive position.

Chromosomes are in so many different positions, rather than in one distinctive position. Every nucleus contains with genetic material and the entire body is made up cells.Cells undergo equational division.

Further Explanation:

The chromosome is dividing cell.A human cell has 46 chromosomes are present in the nucleus.chromosome contain genetic material.

There are some condition in which one chromosome is missing called monosomy and in the same condition in which one chromosome is extra is called trisomy.

The chromosome is made of DNA and chromatin which is composed of histone protein.Chromosome is different in size and present at different location .we can study this by karyotyping.

The cell cycle refers to an ordered flow of events which includes cell growth as well as cellular division. This cycle produces 2 new daughter cells. The cycle starts with interphase; during which, the cell grows and replicates its own DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. The interphase begins with:

1.G1 phase: This is the primary growth phase provide nutrient to the cell.

2.S phase or synthesis of DNA: During this phase, the replication of DNA takes place. The centrosome is divide and forms mitotic spindle during the mitosis phase.

3.G2 or second gap: during this phase, the cell mainly replenishes its energy stores as well as synthesizes the proteins which are required for the chromosome manipulation.

The second phase of the cell cycle is the mitosis or M phase. Mitotic phase refers to a multiphase process during which the chromosomes are aligned, segregated, and moved into the 2 new daughter cells which are identical to each other.

This phase starts with:

1. Prophase: During this phase, the condensation of the chromosomes takes place and these chromosomes become visible. Spindle fibers formation take place, breakdown of the nuclear envelope, and nucleolus disappear.

2.Metaphase: During this phase, the formation of spindle fibers is completed and centrosomes are found at the opposite terminals of the cell. The chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate. Each of the sister chromatids is linked to the spindle fiber starting from the opposite poles.

3.Anaphase: During this phase, the cohesion proteins link with the sister chromatids and splits them down. The sister chromatids are pulled towards the opposite terminals of the cell and the non-kinetochore spindle fibers mainly lengthen and elongate the cell.

4.Telophase: During this last phase, the chromosomes arrive at the opposite terminals and start to decondense. Nuclear envelope reappears, and mitotic spindle breaks down. This marks the end of the mitosis.

The end phase of the cell cycle is called cytokinesis wherein the cleavage furrow occurs are segregates the daughter cells. In plant cells, the cell plate is responsible for the segregation of the daughter cells.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about component of DNA

2. Learn more about base pairing

3. Learn more about RNA base pairing

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Genetic material


Daughter cell,Telophase, cytokinesis, anaphase, mitosis, chromosome, chromatin, Dna, prophase, metaphase.

A plant in a dark room is being set up with a light source so it can photosynthesize. Pick from the following list the best choice for this light source to maximize photosynthesis.



A bright light close to the plant.


Plants grown in bright light had higher rates of apparent photosynthesis per unit leaf area in bright light, and slightly lower rates in dim light than did those of plants grown in dim light. Dark respiration rates were higher in plants grown in bright light than in plants grown in dim light and the decline of photosynthesis with increasing leaf age was faster.

The rate of apparent photosynthesis in bright light of the first leaf to become fully expanded after plants were transferred from bright to dim light was lower than that of plants remaining in bright light. The decline in the rate of photosynthesis of a leaf already fully expanded at the time of transfer was not affected. Transferring from dim to bright light increased the rate of photosynthesis of the next expanded leaf; it also increased the rate of an already fully expanded leaf during the first week in bright light.

To classify an organism a scientist finds in the field, which of these will the scientist first compare to other known organisms?A. Dietary habits
B. Ecological niche
C. Physical structure
D. Reproductive method


The answer is C. Physical structure.

Different species can share dietary habits, ecological niches, and reproductive method although they are not related. So, classifying organisms based on these features is not helpful a lot. It is known that different species differ in DNA sequence. Since 
physical structures are determined by DNA sequences, physical structures could show in first sight difference between species. Therefore, to classify organism found in the field, the scientist will start from comparing its physical structures to the other known organisms.