Describe "no-man's land"


Answer 1
Answer: A No Man's land is an area used by officers to delineate the bottom of the area between to confining trenches.

Answer 2
Answer: no man's land was a land that was unoccupied or that was under dispute between two parties who will leave it unoccupied due to either fear or uncertainty.

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This Chinese dynasty fostered a complex trade network and in doing so became a cosmopolitan society.



Tang Dynasty.


The Tang Dynasty, in power from 618 to 906 A.D., is considered a golden age of Chinese arts and culture.

Through use of land trade along the Silk Road and maritime trade by sail at sea, the Tang were able to gain many new technologies, cultural practices, rare luxuries, and contemporary items. From the Middle East, India, Persia, and Central Asia the Tang were able to acquire new ideas in fashion, new types of ceramics, and improved silver-smithing. These many connections with foreign lands is what made the Tang dynasty a cosmopolitan society.

the answer for this is Tang.

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This party is know one of the two major political parties in America (Republican and Democrat). Obama, the current president, is part of this party.

THE familiar labels "The Age of Jackson" and "Jacksonian Democracy" identify Andrew Jackson with the era in which he lived and with the advancement of political democracy. This honor may exaggerate his importance, but it also acknowledges the important truth that Jackson significantly contributed to shaping the American nation and its politics. Just as contemporaneous artists so often depicted him astride his horse overseeing the battlefield, Jackson bestrode some of the key currents of nineteenth-century American political life.

Jackson's presidency began on a sunny, spring-like day, 4 March 1829. Dressed in a simple black suit and without a hat, partly out of respect for his recently deceased wife, Rachel, and partly in keeping with traditions of republican simplicity, Jackson made his way on foot along a thronged Pennsylvania Avenue. From the east portico of the Capitol, he delivered his inaugural address—inaudible except to those close by—in which he promised to be "animated by a proper respect" for the rights of the separate states. He then took the oath of office, placed his Bible to his lips, and made a parting bow to the audience. With great difficulty, he made his way through the crowd, mounted his horse, and headed for the White House and what had been intended as a reception for "ladies and gentlemen."

A _______ can be used in the Senate to stop a bill from being passed. A. filibuster
B. cloture
C. committee of the whole
D. rules committee


Answer : Cloture

I hope that's help !

20 POINTS!!!!For a research paper, you have just compiled a stack of resources in your school library. Which aspect would be best to consider when determining each source’s validity?

A.) availability on the Internet

B.) number of authors and editors

C.) main idea and point of view

D.)the publication’s medium

E.)the author’s education


E.)the author’s education

at least... thats what im thinking


It is not E
