fighting most likely broke out between the English and the Spanish 1670 after the English founded the south Carolina colony because
Answer 1
Both are strong colonizers during that time and are craving power over lands. During this time, English people want to have a proprietary colony in the Province of Carolina. Carolinas participated in many wars against the Spanish colonizers because both English and Spanish colonizers wanted to take control of land that is now Georgia.
remain don't have the 'know-how' to make a difference.
Brain drain can also be defined as the loss of the academic and technological labor force through the moving of human capital to more favorable geographic, economic, or professional environments. More often than not, the movement occurs from developing countries to developed countries or areas.
Causes of Brain Drain
There are various causes of brain drain, but they differ depending on the country that's experiencing it. The main causes include seeking employment or higher paying jobs, political instability, and to seek a better quality of life. Causes of brain drain can be categorized into push factors and pull factors.
The push factors are negative characteristics of the home country that form the impetus for intelligent people migrating from Lesser Developed Countries(LDC). In addition to unemployment and political instability, some other push factors are the absence of research facilities, employment discrimination, economic underdevelopment, lack of freedom, and poor working conditions.
Pull factors are the positive characteristics of the developed country from which the migrant would like to benefit. Higher paying jobs and a better quality of life are examples of pull factors. Other pull factors include superior economic outlook, the prestige of foreign training, relatively stable political environment, a modernized educational system to allow for superior training, intellectual freedom, and rich cultures. These lists are not complete; there may be other factors, some of which can be specific to countries or even to individuals.
How did early Africa's geography shape life there
In Africa, there are different climatic regions, different vegetation zones and different relief features.
Large percentages of people in Africa lived in the grasslands and semi-desert areas, where they were mainly pastoralists and nomads.
For those who lived around lakes and rivers, fishing was common, and they had a more settled lifestyle.
Keep in mind that African people had different communities, which all had different lifestyles, although this deals more with history than geography.
Jesus of Nazareth is claimed by Christianity to be the...
Jesus of Nazareth was claimed to be the Messiah
The son of the living God.
He didn't claim he was. He was.
You are a scientist and you want to prove that liquids have weight and take up space
you would pour them on a weight and see which one is bigger
You could freeze them and then see how much soace the ice takes up and then defrost them make into water/liquid
What is a testable questionfor the sentence springtime and rainfall emergence of dandelions
it would be and if then qustion
Earth’s axis tilts at a _____ angle from its orbit.A. 23.5° B.45° C.143.5° D.90°