Hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the ___ on September 11, 2001


Answer 1
Answer: Pentagon another plane tried to crash into the white house but the passengers of that plane overtook the terrorists to have it crash in a nearby field
Answer 2
Answer: Pentagon Is the Answer

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It was the "d. stump remover" that was an invention that helped to speed up the building of the Erie Canal, since this allowed for stumps to be pulled out at a rate of roughly forty stumps a day. 

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The two most important things coming from the New World to the Old World:



what are the options? If it's a extended response. Christopher Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World, while facilitating the introduction of New World commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the Atlantic is known as the Columbian Exchange.  


The two most important things transferred from the New World to the Old World in the Columbian Exchange were food crops, specifically maize and potatoes, and precious metals like gold and silver.

The exchange of goods and ideas between the New World (Americas) and the Old World (Europe, Asia, and Africa) is known as the Columbian Exchange. The two most important things coming from the New World to the Old World were food crops and precious metals.

Food crops, particularly maize (corn) and potatoes, played a significant role in boosting population growth in the Old World and thereby altering social and economic structures. In addition, precious metals, most notably gold and silver from South America, played a central role in the European economy and helped fuel the expansion of global trade and the age of exploration.

Learn more about Columbian Exchange here:



A codex was an ancient Mayan _____.


  A codex was an ancient Mayan manuscript

 A codex was an ancient Mayan manuscript

Which religious group has had the greatest increase in membership due to the increasing immigration from Latin American countries to the United States over the last fifty years? I don't know the answer so if anyone could help be that would be great. 1.Protestants






2. Catholics


The populations of Latin America are almost exclusively Catholic. Not just that they are Catholics, but they are also one of the most devoted Catholics in the world, where the rates of atheism are almost zero, and the intrusion of other religions is almost impossible. Since the largest portion of the migrants that came in the United States in the past 50 years are from Latin America, it is safe to say that the Catholic religion is the one that has the highest increase in membership in the country. Not that the Latin Americans are comprising the highest percentage of migrants in the United States, but they also have higher birthrates than most of the other groups, so that is further increasing the membership of the Catholic religion.




Reasons jamestown was unsuccessful in the first 5 years


Diseases and other illnesses exposed Indians to new sicknesses that their immune system was not used to, therefore they passed away.
Indians traded their things for alcohol, this caused social problems.
Malaria, dysentery, and typhoid took a toll on the settlers and got them very ill.
Winters were cold and crops went bad, many starved and froze to death.

Final answer:

The Jamestown colony struggled in its early years because of inexperienced and unprepared settlers, lack of focus on survival essentials, and challenging relations with local indigenous tribes. Over time, the cultivation of tobacco as a cash crop helped in economic stability and survival.


The Jamestown colony saw significant difficulties in its first five years due to a variety of reasons. Firstly, the settlers were largely comprised of individuals more accustomed to elite lifestyles and weren't equipped for the labor-intensive task of establishing a colony, resulting in internal disputes and political instability. Secondly, many were more interested in seeking immediate wealth, such as gold, rather than focusing on essential survival skills like growing food, leading to starvation, particularly in the winter of 1609-1610, known as "the starving time." Lastly, health issues, violence, and hostile relations with the local Powhatan tribe added to the strain.

Despite these numerous challenges, Jamestown eventually survived and became a significant colony in the British empire, primarily due to the cultivation of tobacco as a profitable cash crop which saved the economy of the colony. By the 1610s, the turmoil had started to fade and Jamestown began to stabilize, demonstrating the persistent spirit of the settlers despite an inauspicious start.

Learn more about Early Struggles of Jamestown here:

