A creative writing teacher tells students to publish their writing projects in a nonprint format. Which of the following techniques would not meet the teacher’s requirements? video journal illustrating a student’s personal narrative booklet of student poems and stories music CD with student poetry turned into songs recording of a dramatic reading


Answer 1
Answer: The answer that does not follow the requirements of the teacher is: booklet of student poems and stories. Nonprint media or format is the unconventional way of presenting information because it does not make use of paper or plain text. Instead, it is more creative, interactive and engaging.
Answer 2


booklet of student poems and stories


This technique would not meet the teacher's requirements because it is a print format. The information just gets printed. A nonprint format resorts to diffrert modes , not just to the printed one. Sounds , images and movement can make up a nonprint format. Therefore, a booklet does not comply with the teacher's instructions.

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moose and elk so B and D are your answers because it is asking a question about the moose and the elk and not any other animal even tho it mentions the other animals they are asking about the moose and elk which mean that the person asking the question wants to know about them and not the other animals

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The sequence of the feudal hierarchy that starts from the uppermost tier are the king / monarch,knights/vassals,barons/nobles, and villagers/peasants/serfs. The king would rule the whole kingdom, the barons or nobles would lease the lands from the king. The barons were the second most wealthiest in the kingdom. The knights were the ones who received the leased lands for their service to the crown. The villeins/serfs were given land by the knights in return for growing crops and supplying food to the and services, such as cleaning and working, to their superiors. They were the poorest in the land. So, from the answer choices given, the correct answer is B, king, lord, clergy, knight, and serf.




Which is one of the three steps in a productive reading strategy?


Depending on the reader's preferred ways of reading/studying, productive reading strategies can vary slightly. I like to use these, personally:

1. Skim the writing first, then go back and re read it slowly.
2. Take notes on things that are interesting, inspiring personally, motivating, and/or things that raise questions. Especially those!
3. Afterwards, go back with your notes and the reading and make connections, try and decide what this means or what that means, try and answer some of your own questions, maybe write more. 

These are just what I like to use... I find the notes are especially helpful when trying to write a response to a reading, or wanting questions answered. 

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The reason why Homer focused more on the actions of a hero was because the physical appearance didn't particularly dictate the hero as a character. Homer had always focused more on the actions because these were the things which dictated heroes as opposed to actual physical appearance. 

Answer: To reflect how a specific time and culture view heroism