C. low savings rates
The term "Asian tigers" refers to four Asian countries, which in recent decades have been showing high rates of economic growth. These countries are: South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The Asian Tigers achieved development with an economic export model; these territories and nations produce all kinds of products to export them to industrialized countries. Domestic consumption is discouraged by high government tariffs
As the Tigers were relatively poor during the 1960s, they had plenty of cheap labor. Along with the educational reform they have been able to take advantage of this advantage by creating a low-cost yet very productive workforce. They promoted equality in the form of agrarian reform, to promote property rights, and to ensure that rural workers were not harmed. Agricultural subsidy policies have also been implemented.
Relative height is a cue involving our perception of objects higher in our field of vision as farther away
Relative height is the topographic excess of any point on the earth’s surface relative to another point, measured vertically, equal to the difference in the absolute heights of these points (for example, the height of a mountain peak above the bottom level of a nearby valley); the vertical distance from the specified initial level to the level, point or object taken as a point.
b. the leader of the Chinese Communist party
c. the leader of the Chinese Nationalist party
d. the premier of the People s Republic of China
the president
the American people
a senator
a member of the House