What represents letter E on the map?
What represents letter E on the map? - 1


Answer 1


If every letter is suppose to be representing a state, than the E is representing India.

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this is for plessy v ferguson, the court desision.



1. Homer Plessy and Judge John Howard Ferguson

2. a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality, a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal"



Why did many colonists start to illegal trade and smuggle in the 1650?​


Answer: Because it was a law not too.



Some colonists resorted to smuggling because it offered a way they could avoid the restrictions placed on  trade by the British. Restrictions were placed on what the colonies could manufacture, whose ships they could use, and most importantly, with whom they could trade.

British merchants wanted American colonists to buy British goods, not French, Spanish, or Dutch products. In theory Americans would pay duties on imported goods to discourage this practice. The Navigation Act and Molasses Act were just two examples of royal attempts to restrict colonial trade.

Smuggling is the way the colonists ignored these restrictions.


hope this helps srry if it doesn't tho

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B. the Brass Age
C. the Stone Age
D. the Bronze Age


The Paleolithic, Mesolithicand Neolithic eras occurred during the Stone Age. The correct option among allthe options given in the question is option "C". The Stone Age isactually a large period of time and is considered to have covered around 3.4million years. The Stone Age is thought to have ended anywhere between6000BCE and 2000 BCE. It was the age when stones were widely used to servedifferent purposes of the people living during that time. The stones weresharpened and widely used as hunting tool by the people of the Stone Age.