Auguste Rodin
The sculptor considered the best of the early Renaissance is Donatello.
Donatello was one of the creators of the Renaissance style and one of the greatest artist of the Renaissance.
Donatello stood out in an innovative force in the field of monumental sculpture and in the treatment of the reliefs, where he managed to represent a great depth within a minimum plane, being called with the name of stiacciato, that is to say, flattened or squashed relief.
Among his most important works are The Bronze David in the Bargello Museum, the Exterior Pulpit of the Prato Cathedral, the Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata in Padua, the Penintent Mary Magdalene in the Museo Dell Opera del Duomo in Florence and Judith and Holofernes at the Vecchio Palace.
In the two invasions, the Mongol ships faced a typhoon that diminished the fleet. And it also demonstrates the inability of them to mount a successful naval invasion.
The invasions were two the first in 1274 and the second in 1281. They were led by Kublai Khan. The failure of the invasions set a limit on Mongol expansion and was a nation defining event in the history of Japan.
The fact that two typhoons diminished the Mongol fleet on the invasions helped to perpetuate the belief in the Japanese that they would never be conquered or defeated. A feeling that lasted until the end of World War II.
I hope this answer helps you.