Rational number can be represented as fraction which has prime numerator and denominator. Rational numbers are either limited or the pattern after some decimals repeats forever. For example
9/7=1.285714285714285714. As you see the pattern repeats limitless. Though Rational numbers can be limited Irrational numbers are always endless.
Often this values/constants are found in geometry like π=3.14, e=2.718, also √2 and so on. Themaindifferencebetweenrationalandirrationalnumbersisthatrationalnumberscanberepresentedbyfraction.
The unit rate is the amount of each ingredient needed for a single piece of the recipe's output. You can find it by dividing the total amount of an ingredient by the total quantity of the food being made.
The unit rate in a recipe refers to the amount of each ingredient required per single unit of the desired output. For example, if a recipe requires 2 cups of flour to make 4 cookies, the unit rate of flour would be 0.5 cup per cookie. To find the unit rate, divide the total amount of an ingredient by the total number of units produced. So in this case, 2 cups ÷ 4 cookies = 0.5 cup/cookie. This means you need half a cup of flour for each cookie you want to make.
Learn more about unit rate here:
A CD is a type of deposit account that often pays a higher interest rate than a standard savings account in exchange for restricting access to your funds during the CD term — often between three months and five years. ... You also might have to forfeit a portion of the interest you earned, depending on the bank's policy.
2/300 = 0.0067
2/300 x 100 = 0.67%