Which of the following causes physical erosionRivers
carbon dioxide
forest fire


Answer 1
Answer: i think its carbon dioxide :)
Answer 2
Answer: the answeser is rivers

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The question says,'the ........ reaction of photosynthesis puts carbon dioxide into the form of carboydrates. The correct option is dark reaction. During the dark reaction of photosynthesis, the ATP and the NADPH that were formed during the light reaction are used to drive the synthesis of carbondioxide from carbon molecules, thus reducing them to ADP and NADP.

1.If you cross two pea plants that are heterozygous for flower color (Pp), what is the percent chance that the offspring will be white? 2.Round peas (R) are dominant to wrinkled peas (r). If a pea plant with the genotype Rr is crossed with a pea plant with wrinkled peas, what are the odds that the offspring will have wrinkled peas?


The principle of dominance. The gene for purple flowers is dominant, while the gene for white flowers is recessive. We know this because both flowers are homozygous, meaning their genes are the same
1. There is a 25% chance that the flowers will be white.

2. There is a 50% chance that the peas will be wrinkled.

After chromosomes are formed, during which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers by their centromeres? 1. anaphase
2. prophase
3. metaphase
4. telophase


All of the chromosomes are aligned midway between thespindle poles. A spindle is a dynamic network of microtubules thatattaches to and moves chromosomes during nuclear division. Microtubulesattach each chromatid to one of the spindle poles, and its sister to theopposite pole.

Chromosomes attach to spindle fibres by their centromeres during metaphase of mitosis.

Further Explanation:

Interphase is the resting phase or metabolic phase of a cell where it prepares itself for the cell division process. Interphase comprises of sub-phases namely, Gap1 phase, Synthesis phase and Gap2 phase. G1 is the first gap phase where a cell grows larger in size and the cytoplasm volume increases as more organelles are produced. During Synthesis phase, the strands of DNA replicates. G2 is another gap phase in which the cell becomes much larger in size and this phase is followed by mitosis where cell division occurs.

Mitosis or somatic cell division is comprised of four phases which includes prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. A somatic cell divides to give rise to two identical daughter cells where each cell contains exact copy of each chromosomes present in the parent cell.  In the prophase, the envelope that covers the nucleus and nucleolus disappears and chromosomes become visible by forming two chromatids attached to centromere.

In the metaphase, chromosomes alignment at the metaphase plate occurs and spindle fibres attach to the centromere. Spindle fibres pull the chromatids away from the metaphase plate towards the opposite poles of the cell during anaphase. In the telophase, nuclear membrane reforms, chromosomes decondense and nuclear membrane reforms around each daughter nuclei. The cytokinesis is the final stage of cell division process where the parent cell is pinched off to result in two daughter cells.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about carbohydrate brainly.com/question/6947177

2. Learn more about cell brainly.com/question/1420458

3. Learn more about blood brainly.com/question/1213217

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Cell division

Keywords: Mitosis, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, interphase, cytokinesis, somatic cell, nucleolus, nucleus, centromere, chromatids, spindle fibres.

Biochemistry is the study of _____. energy and matter within living organisms energy and matter of earth energy and chemicals chemical reactions and bonds


Biochemistry is the study of energy and matter in living organisms. It is one of the most complex branches of science that requires a great deal of study. This is a subject that is included in medical fields that require individuals to understand the energy that lies within a specific organism's body.

Trees obtain carbon from _______.a. decaying organisms
b. sunlight
c. the atmosphere
d. none of the above


Trees obtain carbon from the sun during photosynthesis.

The cells in the meristematic region of the root are undergoinga. meiosis.
b. sexual reproduction.
c. binary fission.
d. mitosis.


The answer is d. mitosis.

The cells in the meristematic region of the root are embryonic cells. Thus, these undifferentiated cells have the capacity to undergo continuous mitotic divisions and divide into new cells. The meristematic region of the root contains meristem cells for the root growth.