Identify three devices that use Convex lenses. Please help.
(and no it doesn't give any options, it can be any device you can think of that uses a Convex lense)


Answer 1



Convex lens is the lens which is used to converge the rays of light after refraction.

When the rays of light are coming parallel to the principal axis then after refraction they goes from the focus.

It is used as rear view mirror in automobiles. In this case it pelroduces small and erect image of faroff objects.

It is used in spectacles using for hypermetropia.

It is used in microscopes and telescopes.

Our eye also have a convex lens which forms images on retina.

Answer 2
Answer: Microscope lenses , glasses for people who can't see faraway as well and  microwave lenses which reflect electromagnetic radiation. Oh and curved mirrors.  

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How does the steady state theory of the origin of the universe differ from the Big Bang and oscillating theories?



Big bang describes an ever expanding model of the universe.

Steady state theory explains a universe that always existed in the same state.


The two theories Big bang and Steady state are two of the theories that  explain the origin of the universe in two different ways.

The Big bang model states that the universe is ever expanding and began from a singularity. It says that from that time universe is ever expanding creating new clusters of galaxies.

This was proved using mathematical formulae and models .

Steady state theory states that the density of matter remains unchanged due to the creation of matter. Observable universe is the same at any point of time is its summary.


The big bang is the theory that describes how the universe emerges, it tells us that in the beginning all the space was contained in a space that was too small, and from there, it expanded rapidly until it reached the state of the universe that we know today, and that continues in expansion.

The theory of the oscillating universe describes a universe that begins and ends cyclically, it  beging with something like the big bang, end ends in what is known as the big crunch, and so on. It says that the universe did not have a beginning but has always been restarting.

The theory of the static  or steady state universe describes a type of universe uniform in space and time. And in which the universe has always remained the same regardless of where it is observed, wich is different from the other theories since the big bang theory says the universe had a beginning. In this theory it is claimed that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. This theory is not very popular today.

PLEASE HELP ME I WILL BE RATING BRAINLIEST VERY URGENT: Can the number of electrons passing a point in a circuit be a decimal?


Answer: No


Electrons have negative charge. It's charge can be decimal because it's about 1.6*10-19 But number of electrons passing through a metal cannot be a decimal number. If you use Q = ne

Q - total charge

e - Charge of an electrone

n - Number of electrons

You might get decimal value for n but it doesnt mean that it shoud have decimal value . Then you have to get nearest less digit value for answer. We cant divide electrons in to pieces

What will be the effect on the loudness of sound if the amptitude is doubled and halved?


remember that
loudness is directly proportional to the square of amplitude...
so when amplitude is doubled ,,loudness increases four times..
when it is halved ,,,loudness is halved,,,

There are 2 questions :)How did warm, moist air turn into a cloud?

Explain the specific conditions in the area that lead to that specific type of precipitation?


I can answer the first question: Water rises because of the sun's heat and turns into water vapor. After that, it gathers up and forms a cloud. When the cloud is filled enough with vapor, precipitation occurs.
For the first question, evaporation is when water evaporates and rises into the air, causing condensation, which turns warm and moist air into a cloud.
For the second question, if it were to precipitate in an area that is low in elevation, there would be no snow, sleet, or hail. There would only be raining, although not a lot. An example of these places is the desert (like Death Valley). If it were to precipitate in an area that is high in elevation, then it would be a different matter altogether. It would rain frequently, and it would also snow. There may also be sleet or hail. An example of these places would be the mountains (like Big Bear Mountain or something). Finally, if it is a level area and is near sea level, than it would neither precipitate frequently or almost never, it would just be like maybe it rained today, and we may not have any more rain for a month, or maybe it might unexpectedly rain for another 5 days in a row. You know what I mean? An example for these places is... let's say Irvine.
I hoped this helped you and have a great day!

What is bacteria bigwig


A bacteria bigwig is a chemical found in all living things and therefore an indicator of bacteria

I hope that's help !