What particle is needed to complete the following equation?
14/7N + ____ ---> 14/6C + 1/1H


Answer 1


The given reaction equation is as follows.

      ^(14)_(7)N + ___ \rightarrow ^(14)_(6)C + ^(1)_(1)H

As there is release of one hydrogen which shows that mass number has increase by 1 on the product side.

Therefore, particle ^(1)_(0)n must be added in order to balance the given reaction equation.

Hence, the complete reaction equation will be as follows.

      ^(14)_(7)N + ^(1)_(0)n \rightarrow ^(14)_(6)C + ^(1)_(1)H

Answer 2

Final answer:

To complete the nuclear reaction equation, the particle required is a neutron (1/0n). It's calculated based on the law of conservation of mass and atomic numbers in nuclear reactions.


To complete the nuclear reaction equation 14/7N + ____ ---> 14/6C + 1/1H, we need to conserve both the mass number (the sum of protons and neutrons) and atomic number (number of protons). On the left side of the equation, we have nitrogen (represented by 14/7N), with a mass number of 14 and atomic number of 7. On the right side, Carbon (14/6C) has atomic number 6 and a mass number of 14 and Hydrogen (1/1H) has atomic number 1 and a mass number of 1. So, to balance the equation we need an element with atomic number (7-6-1) = 0 and mass number (14-14-1) = -1. This element is a neutron (represented as 1/0n), as it has a mass number of 1 and atomic number of 0.

Learn more about Nuclear reaction equation here:



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Final answer:

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trust me plz i am good at chemistry

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Answer: B. Ca(OH)2

Explanation:just took the quiz/quick check