The answer coded in Javascript is:
function minimalNumbersOfBanknotes(input) {
var banknotes = [50, 20, 10, 5, 1];
var output = '';
//Each while writes on output variable the banknote and substract the same quantity on input variable.
//If the input is lesser than the value of while banknote, step into next while.
for (var i = 0; i < banknotes.length; i++) {
while(input >= banknotes[i]) {
output = output + ' ' + banknotes[i];
input = input - banknotes[i];
return output;
bend slightly and stretch your right hand up
move your head back and forward slowly
blink your eyes often
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) {
minMax(1, 2, 3);
minMax(100, 25, 33);
minMax(11, 222, 37);
public static void minMax(int n1, int n2, int n3){
int max, min;
if(n1 >= n2 && n1 >= n3){
max = n1;
else if(n2 >= n1 && n2 >= n3){
max = n2;
max = n3;
if(n1 <= n2 && n1 <= n3){
min = n1;
else if(n2 <= n1 && n2 <= n3){
min = n2;
min = n3;
System.out.println("The max is " + max + "\nThe min is " + min);
*The code is in Java.
Create a function named minMax() that takes three integers, n1, n2 and n3
Inside the function:
Declare the min and max
Check if n1 is greater than or equal to n2 and n3. If it is set it as max. If not, check if n2 is greater than or equal to n1 and n3. If it is set it as max. Otherwise, set n3 as max
Check if n1 is smaller than or equal to n2 and n3. If it is set it as min. If not, check if n2 is smaller than or equal to n1 and n3. If it is set it as min. Otherwise, set n3 as min
Print the max and min
Inside the main:
Call the minMax() with different combinations
It will show compilation error like - no match for 'operator>>'
<< and >> are input output stream operators which are used with different input output stream objects in C++. So << operator is used to output stream of characters to console or a file and >> operator is used to input or read some characters or integers from a file or console. Here input stream character is used with output stream object cout, which produces an error.
hi 2
Mark 1
hi 2
mark 1
Hint: Use two vectors, one for the strings, another for the frequencies.
Your program must define and use the following function: int GetFrequencyOfWord(vector wordsList, string currWord)
/ declare the necessary header files.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// declare the main function.
int main()
// declare a vector.
vector<string> words;
vector<int> counts;
// declare variables.
int size;
string str;
cin >> size;
// start the for loop.
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
// input string.
cin >> str;
// start the for loop.
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
int count = 0;
// start the for loop.
for(int j = 0; j < words.size(); ++j)
// check the condition.
if(words[j] == words[i])
// start the for loop.
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
// display result on console.
cout << words[i] << "\t" << counts[i] << endl;
return 0;
Succeed and show traction within 6-10 months.
Ai (Artificial Inteliigence), also known as machine intelligence, is a branch of computer science that is specialized in making smart machines that are capable of doing human tasks
AI Transformation Playbook is a guide to use AI in enterprises successfully, written by Co-founder of Google Brain, Andrew Ng. In his guide, he unveiled the steps that can be followed to successfully installing AI in enterprises, companies, etc.
The most important trait of the first pilot projects is that it succeeds and begins to show traction within 6-10 months.
In his guide, he summarised five steps to install AI in enterprises. The first step is to 'Execute pilot projects to gain momentum.'
The most important trait of beginning with AI projects is that it succeeds first before being most valuable projects. The success is important as it will help to achieve familiarity and will help other people of the company to invest in this project more.
This success begins to show tractions within 6-12 months of its success.
The two ways to use the help menu is by searching of the contents or searching the index.