Thomas paine was a political writer who fervently supported the american revolution. In this excerpt from his popular work Common Sense, paine uses an analogy to refute a common loyalist claim. Which clam has pain refuted


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C) France should govern the American colonies instead of Britain because the British king is a descendant of a Frenchman."
These are the following choices:
A) The American colonies should join Britain in any future war against France because the colonists are of English descent.
B) Britain should govern the American colonies because the colonists are of English descent.
C) France should govern the American colonies instead of Britain because the British king is a descendant of a Frenchman.
D) The American colonies should not trade with France because of the ongoing war between France and Britain.

Answer 2


Britain should govern the American colonies because the colonists are of English decent.


This is the correct answer on plato/edmentum I took the test and got it right. I know the other one is expert verified but C is wrong

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When little lights in little ports come out,
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And all the fishing fleet of slender spars
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When race of wind is stilled and sails are furled,
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And slumbrous waters pool a slumbrous world; <<<< This line is the text in bold.

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The answer is A. The bolded line, And slumbrous waters pool a slumbrous world, explicitly describes the water at night. "Slumberous" refers a state of sleeping. It is implies night time where everyone is asleep or slumbering. The slumberous waters means that the water is still or unmoving.




you're welcome :)

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During he Pilgrim's Progress, both Christian and his companion are detained as they pass through Vanity Fair, because of their open disdain about the contents of the area.

The correct answer is D. As they pursuit to make their way through Vanity Fair, they are imprisoned by the people of the fair. Vanity is the kind of people who have too much pride in their own appearance, abilities, achievements.

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The answer is letter A. You're generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs.
It is notchronological or suggests possible themes. Clustering only happens when thereis a theme already. When in clustering, thoughts are tumbled out, enlargingvocabulary word bank and enabling to see patterns of ideas. It may be doneindividually or by class.
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At the beginning of the play, Ophelia was very shy and well mannered. She followed the social class status of her being a commoner and did not give in to her romantic feelings for Hamlet. When Hamlet begins his father's ghost and ignores her, to seek his revenge, she does not understand this change in his behavior and attributes it to him not loving her anymore. Due to her family's pressure over her and her not understanding Hamlet's sudden change, she begins to become insane and loses hope in love and life.


At the beginning of the play, Ophelia is dutiful and polite; she does exactly what her family tells her to do. Then, Hamlet's erratic behavior and Polonius's death cause Ophelia to go mad. She becomes confused and starts behaving strangely. Ultimately, her madness leads to her death.


thx for having ur answer in the question

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b. He contrasts the natural music of spring and fall.
c. He describes ripe fruits, overflowing granaries, and hives full of honey.
d. He addresses the sun, the wind, and the evening.


I'd say the answer is C, he describes ripe fruit, overflowing granaries, and hives full of honey. That way he is inviting our senses, the smell, the taste, the vision, etc.

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CHARACTERS : The characters are the people, animals or anything personified that the    story is about. Writers focus on introducing the character with enough information about their physical attributes and personality traits that the reader can visualize that character in their mind. Every story should have at least one main character. The main character is the one who determines the way the plot develops and usually resolves the problem or conflict of the story.

SETTING : The setting is the location of the story. Writers picture the scene in enough detail so that the reader can picture the scene as they read the story.

PLOT : The plot consists of the events that happen in the story. The plot should have a clear introduction, rising action, a climax, and a resolution. It should provide enough descriptions for the reader to engage with the story, which means providing suspense and conflict that is resolved at the end of the story.

hope this helps