the correct answer is C. It was a nationalistic and retaliatory move to bring control of the canal under Egypt's command.
B. the concept of social contract
C. a plea for world understanding
D. guidelines for state and federal governments
Answer: The success of Manifest Destiny encouraged imperialists’ ambitions.
The doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" stated that the United States was destined to rule over all of North America, due to its "more developed" and "virtuous" institutions. This mission was carried out in the West. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, the West was effectively settled.
The succesful settlement of the West was seen as a sign of the truth contained in the doctrine. American imperialism then developed out of a desire to keep carrying out this mission in other territories.
The success of "Manifest Destiny" encouraged imperialists' ambitions
En 1924, Andrew Irvine y George Mallory comenzaron a escalarlo y, según otra escaladora Nicole, los vio a solo 270 m debajo del pico . Eso significa que Irvin y Mallory se acercaron más al pico en junio de 1924. Sin embargo, murieron allí.
¿Qué tan difíciles son los cruces de escalera de grietas? ¿Muchas personas pierden el equilibrio debido a las botas de escalada?
¿Cuál es la época del año menos peligrosa para escalar el monte? ¿Everest? (para minimizar la probabilidad de morir)
¿Escalar el Everest (incluso con oxígeno suplementario) conduce inevitablemente a daño cerebral por falta de oxígeno?
¿Cuántos años tiene el Monte Everest?
¿Los escaladores del Everest y K2 traen estimulantes para emergencias, como la anfetamina?
Ahora la pregunta es si murieron mientras escalaban o después de ganar a la gente y regresar.
Años más tarde (en 1999), otros escaladores descubrieron algunos de sus equipos y el cadáver congelado de George Mallory . Pero nunca descubrieron la cámara, en la que se pudo haber tomado una fotografía de su victoria.
Sin embargo, como no hay pruebas, consideramos que Edmund Hillary y Tenzing Norgay fueron las primeras personas en escalar el Everest en el año 1953.
Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay reached the 29,035-foot summit of Everest on May 29, 1953, thus becoming the first people to stand atop the world's highest mountain.
New uses for medicine were discovered would be your answer.
New uses for medicine were discovered
B.lived in peace with other nations
C.had few traditional customs
D.considered themselves a nation (gradpoint)
A.were made up of many groups
The Maoris or Māori (Māori in the Maori language) are a Polynesian ethnic group that reached the islands of New Zealand, in the South Pacific Ocean, possibly from islands further north such as Rarotonga or Tongatapu.
The first to visit New Zealand were probably Spanish. In 1525, there are theories that point out that Juan Sebastián Elcano arrived on the islands and the crew procreated with the natives. There are Maori words that come from Spanish. This surprising discovery reinforces the theory. In the beginning of the 1780s the Maoris had encounters with whaling sailors; some were also crewmen of foreign ships. The continuous stream of escaping prisoners and other deserters on Australian ships exposes the indigenous population of New Zealand to external influences.
In 1830 it was estimated that the number of Europeans living among the Maori was about 2,000. The status of the newcomers varied from slave to high-level counselor; from prisoner to others who left European culture and identified themselves as Maori. When Pomare commanded a detachment of war against Titore in 1838, he had 132 mercenaries among his warriors. Frederick Edward Maning, one of the first settlers, wrote two books that will become classics of New Zealand literature: Old New Zealand and the History of the War in the North of New Zealand against the Chief Heke.
Following the British intervention, New Zealand became a British colony by signing the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. To this day, this treaty is being discussed and remains the source of divisions and resentments for many. In 1861, the discovery of gold deposits in territories that the treaty accepted as Maori, meant a new attack on the rights of the aborigines, who responded with a heroic resistance called the Maori War. The European conquest greatly reduced the native population, if by 1840 it was estimated at 100,000 natives and 2,000 whites on the islands, in 1896 there were 42,000 natives and more than 700,000 settlers.