Which kind of tissue lines the inside of hollow organs?
Answer 1
A group of cells that function together to perform a special activity is known as a tissue. Epithelial tissues are the tissues that lines inside of hollow organs. Epithelial tissues covers body surfaces; lines the body cavities and hollow organs.
Which is the name for a quick, unlearned, and automatic response? Select one of the options below as your answer: A. An impulse B. A synapse C. A reflex
The correct option for this question is option C - A reflex. A reflex is what occurs when your body has a snap reaction to a form of outside stimuli, for example catching something that has been thrown at you, or bringing back your arm quickly after touching a hot place.
Saliva begins to change food starch into?
The first step of chemical digestion starts in the mouth. Saliva, the fluid released by the salivary glands in the mouth, contains an enzyme that breakdowns food starch and turns it into simple sugars. This enzyme is called amylase or also known as alpha-amylase or ptyalin.
Saliva begins changing starches into sugar while still in the mouth.
Now-a-days we find animals like leopards and bears inturding into our living places. What may be the reasons for this ?