Return are predicted in the modern microprocessor as, branch predictor is the modern method for the processor for the prediction. The basic function of the branch predictor is improving in the pipeline instruction. It is basically the important part for implement the execution and the pipe lining. And the return predicted uses the call by reference technique for the data in instruction.
Answer: Forest root domain is used in the Active Directory forest for the first domain section.A domain is defined as the cluster of databases. This domains has Schema Admin groups and Admin of enterprise.
Forest is defined as the boundaries inside which the accessing of the network can be done by the clients. Root is the section that is at the highest level in the complete domain name system.The combination of these two section form the forest root domain system.
The c# program for the scenario is given below.
using System;
public class Program2 {
double total = 0;
static void Main() {
Program2 ob = new Program2();
Console.WriteLine("Enter total energy used in kilo watts ");
int p;
p = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter type of customer ");
char t;
t = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
ob.bill_calculator(p, t);
Console.WriteLine("Total charge for " + p + " kilo watts electricity for " + t + " customers is " +;
public void bill_calculator(int e, char c)
int first=500, second = 800;
double chg_one = 0.12, chg_two=0.15, chg_three = 0.16, chg_four = 0.20;
if(c == 'R')
if(e <= 500)
total = (e * chg_one);
else if(e > 500)
total = ( first * chg_one);
total = total + ((e-first) * chg_two);
if(c == 'B')
if(e <= 800)
total = (e * chg_three);
else if(e > 800)
total = ( first * chg_three);
total = total + ((e-second) * chg_four);
Enter total energy used in kilo watts
Enter type of customer
Total charge for 1111 kilo watts electricity for B customers is 142.2
The program takes user input for the type of customer and the amount of electric current used by that customer.
The two input values decide the rate at which total charge is calculated.
For residential customers, charges are divided into slabs of 500 or less and more than 500.
Alternatively, for business customers, charges are divided into slabs of 800 or less and more than 800.
User input is taken in main function.
Charges are calculated in the bill_calculator method which takes both user input as parameters.
If else block is used to calculate the charges.
No input validation is implemented as it is not mentioned in the question.
All code is written inside the class. An object is created of the class.
The methods outside main() are called using the object of the class.
In real-world environments, once the domains that are affected by the risks are identified, subsequent next steps would include selecting, implementing, and testing controls to minimize or eliminate those risks.
B. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by SSL.
A. No, it would not succeed.
B. Yes, the attack will succeed.
In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, packet strictly refers to a protocol data unit at layer 3, the network layer. So if an attacker wants to insert bogus/ fake packets this will happen at the network layer.
A. IPSec works on network layer (the IP layer) of the OSI model protecting and authenticating IP packets. It provides data integrity, authentication and confidentiality between participating peers at the IP layer.
Thus, inserting bogus packets into the communications by an attacker will not have any affect on security of a system which has IPSec security and therefore it will not succeed.
B. SSL/TLS is an application layer protocol that fits into layer 5 to 7 of the OSI model. However, an attack by inserting bogus packets into the communications will succeed as SSL only provides protection for layer 5 to 7 and not the network layer.
when you call yourself fat or ugly......but that was my answer but pls dont ever be negative abt yalls selfs i love yall the way u are and if u eva wanna talk ill do it in the comments
for example, when there is a bad driver on the road near you does something dumb and the little voice in your head always says you idiot watch where you are going. It also can be when you put yourself down like saying that you are dumb or that you will never get a job