Describe a situation which you might show filial piety


Answer 1
Answer: First of all, filial piety is the primary obligation of the Chinese. This meant that as a filial son, there should be complete respect and obedience to your parents and as you grow more and more each day. One example would be when it comes to women, a part of their filial piety would be to marry into a Chinese family and then bear a son for her parents, in-laws, and family. 

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When north korea invaded south korea in 1950, how did the united states respond?


US pushed a resolution through the UN's Security Council and asked for military assistance for South Korea. President Truman dispatched the various US military forces (land, air, sea forces) to South Korea immediately. This is how the United States responded to the sudden attack of North Korea in 1950.


it b


The final authority on legal questions in the United States is


The correct answer is the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court is the most powerful court in the United States. This court, which is considered the judicial branch of the federal government, is responsible for hearing cases in which citizens rights may have been violated. From there, the Supreme Court uses its power of judicial review in order to make a ruling that will effect the entire country.

The concept of judicial review essentially allows the Supreme Court to determine whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

The final authority on legal questions in the United States is The Supreme court

Further explanation

The supreme court is the highest court within the hierarchy of courts in many legal jurisdictions. In the United States,  The Supreme Court of  the United States (SCOTUS) is the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States. The United States Supreme Court is a federal court, meaning that it can hear cases prosecuted by the U.S. government. The Court also decides civil cases and it can also hear about any kind of state-court case, as long as it involves federal law, including the Constitution.

The Supreme Court functions are as a last resort tribunal. It also responsible to decide on cases dealing with the interpretation of the constitution. For example, The Supreme Court can overturn a law passed by Congress if it deems it unconstitutional.

The main power of the Supreme Court is the power of judicial review, because only the Supreme Court can interpret the constitution. Its interpretations itself become law, since the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. The opinion will be written by one of the justices who voted with the majority.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about The Supreme court

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  history

Chapter:   justices

Keywords:  The Supreme court

Which of the following was written in an effort to encourage the ratification of the Constitution


I don't know what your choices are but I do know that the Federalist Papers was written in an effort to encourage the ratification of the Constitution. 

So..if the Federalist Papers is one of your choices, then that is the answer. :)
 ♥Federalist Papers 
This was written encourage the ratification of the Constitution. 

John Brown stirred up a lot of controversy with his attack on Ferry in Virginia.


John Brown stirred up a lot of controversy with his attack on "Harper's" Ferry in Virginia, since this was a raid aimed at arming slaves and freedman alike in order to inspire a massive revolt. 

What trading company controlled India?


The British East India Company controlled India.
One of the strangest parts of the history of the British Empire involves that commercial venture generally known as the East India Company, though its original name when founded by royal charter on the very last day of 1600 was the Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies

The United Nations Environment Program regulates the environmental policy for all countries.a. True
b. False


No, it is false that the United Nations Environment Program regulates the environmental policy for all countries, since this is left to the individual governments of most sovereign countries. 

Answer: False

Explanation: got it correct