What did scientific investigations on sudbury's soil reveal


Answer 1
Answer: Scientific investigations on Sudbury's soil revealed the decrease
in soil pH was correlated with increased copper and nickel levels.

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Lipids are made up of Oils that, when mixed in water or other chemicals, will separate. Since Oils do not mix and float to the top, and since Oils are a type of lipid, the answer is Lipids!

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Which of the following tastes may be detected at very low concentration?sweet


The correct answer is bitter.

People have very strong negative reactions when it comes to a bitter taste. Most of the substances like toxins have bitter taste. The ability of the taste buds to taste the bitter substances shows evolutionary history. The taste has evolved because most of the substances that are harmful to the human beings are bitter in taste. The substances such as alkaloids, drugs, medicines, quinine, caffeine and nicotine have bitter taste. These tastes are not very common to the taste buds so they are detected at very low concentrations.

The taste which we can detect already at very small concentrations is salty taste.

The reason why we have a special affinity for tasting bitter things. The reason why we can taste bitter things at extremely low concentrations is because potentially dangerous compounds can be bitter and it made evolutionary sense for organisms to adapt to taste bitter things.  

After meiosis there area. two haploid cells.
b. two haploid gametes.
c. four haploid cells.
d. four haploid gametes.


After meiosis 2 there are 4 haploid gametes

Meiosis is responsible for making sex cells only

Final answer:

After meiosis, there are four haploid cells which can develop into gametes. This process is crucial for sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.


After meiosis, the correct answer is that there are four haploid cells. During this process, one diploid cell (which has two sets of chromosomes) undergoes two rounds of cell division to create four haploid cells (each with one set of chromosomes). These cells can then develop into gametes, or sex cells, which can join together during fertilization to form a new diploid organism. This is a fundamental aspect of sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.

Learn more about meiosis here:



Some insecticides interfere with the removal of acetylcholine from the synaptic cleft. what effect will this have on muscle contraction


The effect of insecticides will result in prolonged muscle contraction.   Acetylcholinesterases are the enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of acetylcholine (Ach) in the synaptic cleft. This normally occurs, after the Ach achieves its effects on its receptors. On the other hand, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzyme thereby increasing the level and duration of action of the neurotransmitter ACh. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used as insecticides.

What does oxidation involve?A. A loss of electrons
B. A gain of electrons
C. A loss of oxygen
D. A gain of hydrogen


the answer is A. A loss of electrons
Oxidation involves a loss electrons. And also the oxidation state of the elements rises.
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