Which corrects any error in the use of apostrophes in the sentence? My little sister sometimes writes her letter b's backwards.



C.There is no error in this sentence.



Answer 1
Answer: The answer is C.
There is no error in the article.
B's is used as a plural and when a single character is punctuated, we as an apostrophe folled by 's' to avoid any easy confusion by the reader.
I hope this helped.

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d. Independent clause.

It makes sense when its by itself therefore its independent.

What line from act iii of hamlet supports the conclusion that claudius fears his own fate?



"What if this cursed hand

Were thicker than itself with brother's blood

Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens

To wash it white as snow?"

In this excerpt, we can see that Claudius fears his own fate. He confesses to the murder of his brother ("with brother's blood"), and realizes that this makes him a cursed man ("this cursed hand"). He also wonders if there is something in the world that could possibly help him redeem himself ("Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens/To wash it white as snow?"). He desires to be cleansed of his sin, but believes it impossible, which worries him greatly.

Final answer:

In Act III of Hamlet, there are lines that suggest Claudius fears his own fate due to his guilt and awareness of his actions' consequences.


In Act III of Hamlet, there are several lines that suggest Claudius fears his own fate. One example is when he says, "O, my offence is rank. It smells to heaven." This line indicates that Claudius feels guilty for his crime of murdering his brother, and he fears divine retribution as a result. Another line that supports this conclusion is when he says, "My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent." This line shows that Claudius is aware of the consequences of his actions and is fearful of the outcome. Overall, these lines highlight Claudius' fear of the consequences of his own wrongdoing.

Learn more about Claudius' fear of fate in Hamlet here:



Samuel Johnson wrote periodical essays in only one newspaper. True or false?


This is false. He wrote for numerous newspapers and was very successful at it.

The answer is "True".

After 9 years of work, Johnson finished "The Dictionary of the English Language" in 1755. He would later start working on other literary projects such as "The Idler" in 1758, which was series published in a weekly news journal called The Universal Chronicle. Since it did not occupy all of his time he decided to write a novel called Rasselas, which was finished on 19 April 1759.

Why is it significant or important that the statue of liberty is a product of both french and american efforts ? Make your point , quote text to support it, explain your quote, and connect it back to your point



The fact that its bothe French and American efforts shows an aliance almost.


Which of the following examples of logical fallacies is NOT an example of a false connection?a. transfer
b. name calling
c. testimonial
d. expert testimony


The only logical fallacy among these which is not an example of a false connection is name calling. The correct answer is B.

Which sentence contains the main idea in a paragraph?


I 99.9% sure that it's the topic. I just had this question not to long ago! Hope this helps and good luck!
 The supporting sentence? I'm not sure I think that's for argument writing.