False. Usually those who are able to consume such a high amount of energy are those with high income. They are the ones who can afford it. These are usually affluent neighborhoods. Those with small income could not afford to do so.
That's it?
The government made more money.
I believe the answer is: A had no objection
At that time, we still haven't developed the technology to measure blood alcohol content by using breathalyser.
Because of this, the only method that can be done to measure the alcohol level in the driver's blood is by asking the doctor to draw the blood and examine it in lab.
La principal razón por la cual el Renacimiento se originó en Italia fue debido a la geografía, ya que las ciudades-estado italianas se encontraban en la orilla del Mediterráneo, siendo centros de comercio e intercambio cultural.
Además, al ser el corazón de la Antigua Roma, la gran mayoría de las manifestaciones culturales antiguas se encontraban en territorio italiano, por lo que al ser el Renacimiento una vuelta a la cultura de las antiguas Roma y Grecia, la mayor cantidad de manifestaciones culturales renacentistas ya se encontraban allí.
Una de las razones por la cual italia reunía mejores condiciones que el resto de europa para que allí se originara el renacimiento era que contaba con la mayor parte de los recursos de Europa. Tenía dinero y en aquel entonces era un conglomerado de ciudades. Gozaba de varios mercados y una afinidad por las artes plásticas.
I hope this helps, Regards.
The correct answer is C.
Propaganda was a widely used tecnique during WWII, specially by the nazis and by the US goverment, to convince the public opinion of the benefits of their practices. In the case of the US, for example, propaganda encouraged citizens to bear rationings, to join the armed forces or ti buy bonds to provide funding for the war activities. Of course, sometimes the messages conveyed were exaggerated or dishonest.
The false statement therefore is related to the format of that propaganda. It was not limited to posters, it also involved mass media such as TV, radio, newspapers, etc.
For example, in nazi Germany, Goebbels, the minister of Propaganda delivered a radio to every German through which citizens could only tune in the station where the goverment included their propaganda in audio format.
B. factorial ANOVA
C. chi square test of independence
D. one-way ANOVA