A technique in which an image is transferred by forcing ink through fine mesh or silk.
Nowadays this technique is used with a fine mesh, made up of synthetic materials rather than silk. The produced transferred image does not have well-defined traces for 3D designs. Suitable for 2D designs.
Very much used in T-shirts, mugs, caps.
2) The danger of dabbling with magic and witchcraft.
3) The danger of signing a deal with the devil,
4) The danger of compromising principles for temporary glory.
The danger of sinning and not showing repentance.
Faustus by Marlowe and Faust by Goethe were stories dependent on a recorded figure who lived between the (estimated) long stretches of 1480-1540 in Wurrtemburg. There were stories and stories surfacing and coursing about him and his way of life around them.
The primary subject of Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus is The risk of erring and not indicating option one is correct
B. 12-bar blues.
C. 12-tone composition.
D. monodrama.