beings were involved in
the creation of Pandora?
All the olympians, as well as Prometheus, and his brother. Also, there were all of the spirits that Pandora let loose. There was a giant eagle that ate some of Prometheus, but I'm not sure if that counts.
Diana pointed to the trophies that were hers'.
Did you hear the train and its loud whistle?
The duck dunked it's orange beak under the water.
That box of books is theirs'.
He was a 10-ton block of steel when it came to action and getting up to get things going.
Metaphors are basicallycomparisons of things that are unlike. Metaphors are used, mainly, to give readers a sense of understandingwhen there may not otherwise be one. What this means is that authors will compare something that may not beknown to readers to something that most likely will be known in order to presentthe best image understood by the most readers. If, for instance, you had a friend who was stubborn and wanted to conveyjust how stubborn this person is to readers you might say something like “Hewas a 10-ton block of steel when it came to action and getting up to get thingsgoing.” Thus, because only you wouldknow for certain just how stubborn your friend is in certain situations, oneway to communicate just how stubborn this person is would be to mentionsomething like 10 tons of steel because everybody is familiar with how heavy aton is—non moveable—and everyone will know what steel is. As such, metaphorscan be used to communicate something by addressing a common point of knowledge.