The Wilson chamber is used to study:A. direction of radioactivity
B. speed of radioactivity
C. distance of radioactivity
D. all of the above


Answer 1
Answer: D all of the above is what they use the Wilson chamber created originally for hazmat

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Which statement best describes the relegation ship between proteins and nucleus acids



The central dogma of molecular biology best describes the relationship between proteins and nucleic acid.


Nucleic acid such as DNA is the repository of genetic information in most organism.

          The genetic information stored in DNA is Transferred to RNA by transcription which deals with the the production of mRNA from DNA.

        The mRNA then undergo translation to transfer its own own genetic information in form of codons to specify amino acids of a protein molecule.

        Thus the Central dogma of molecular biology relates proteins and nucleic acids.


Which of the following is a possible environmental cost of clearing forests?A. Less soil erosion

B. Increased biodiversity

C. Improved air quality

D. Less wildlife habitat

Apex Environmental Science


Less wildlife habitat is a possible cost of clearing forests.

Environmental cost of clearing forests:

If forests are clearedor even disturbed, they release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Forest lost and damage is the cause of around 10% of global warming.

The lost of trees can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer drops, flooding, increased greenhouse gas, less wildlife habitat.

Wildlife habitat depends upon the forest. If forest will loss wildlife habitat will also be less. It will surly effect on nature.

The correct answer is option D.

Learn more about environmental cost of clearing forests. refer:


its d because if you get rid of trees then your gettign rid of homes and its increses soil erosion from there being no roots of trees decresed biodiversty form the lack of homes and decresed quality of air because theres no trees to make oxygen

Which statement describes the relationship betweendiagram X and Y?
O Gravity attracts only larger objects toward one another.
O Gravity attracts larger objects only if they are close to
one another.
If the masses of the objects increase, then the force
between them also increases.​




The diagrams show objects' gravitational pull toward each other. Which statement describes the relationship between diagram X and Y? If the masses of the objects increase, then the force between them also increases.


hope this helps u!!


C- If the masses of the objects increase, then the force between them also increases.


i just did the test and got it right!!

Proteins are composed of chains of _____________ which are joined together with peptide bonds.


Amino acids. Every protein is a long chain of amino acids.

What is Laslow's hierarchy?


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a system that lists the needs felt by every human being, in order of ease of accomplishment. Our basic survival (physiological) needs (food, water, shelter) are on the bottom. Next up is our safety needs (being able to live without fear of danger), followed by love/belonging needs (the need to have people who you support, and whom support you). After that comes esteem needs (the need to be supportive of your own choices). Finally, at the top of the list is the need for self-actualization. This is the need to feel like your life has significant meaning, and that you have done something for the greater good of humanity. This is a rare need to meet.
Hope that helped! =)

What can happen if an organism's population gets too big?



There are many bad consequences that may occur if a population becomes to large/over-sized

Here are a few examples:

~Shorter Supply of food and water. 

~Limited Shelter

~More predation 

These are only a few things that may happen.

Rarely, however, do we see a population get to big for its environment. Normally, nature seems to balance itself out. Even us, humans, have not become to many for the Earth we live on.

However, if over-population were to occur, then there are licensed hunters that may be put in charge, to take care of the situation. 

If an organisms population gets too big and exceeds the carrying capacity, a lot of consequences may happen, such as fighting for food, resources, but eventually some must die off.

If the population is over the carrying capacity, resources such as land, food, or water must be limited and organisms must fight for it in order to survive. And who wins? The ones that have a favorable characteristic. They survive while others die. When the number of organisms that die exceeds the number that is born, this is the death phase in a population. Death phase is very common if the initial population gets too big.