Dante the Pilgrim is characterized by allusions to Aeneas and the Apostle Paul because _____.a. he wishes to be associated with key Biblical figures
b. he desires to highlight his virtuous actions by comparing them to those who were not virtuous
c. he wants to be ranked among the greatest writers of the Western world
d. he seeks to link himself with those who have taken similar journeys


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer to the question that is being presented above would be letter D. The sentence 'He seeks to link himself with those who have taken similar journeys' was the reason why Dante the Pilgrim is characterized by allusions to Aeneas and the Apostle Paul.
Answer 2


d. he seeks to link himself with those who have taken similar journeys


The Divine Comedy is an epic poem written by the author Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is a classic of world literature written during the Renaissance.  The protagonist of the poem is the poet himself Dante Alighieri who travels between three completely different instances: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.

The poem is an allegorical narrative, that is, the author describes situations that should not be interpreted only by their literal meaning. Therefore, the character Dante, the pilgrim, may also have symbolic representation. The story can be a kind of dream (he says it was sleep, a nap that took him to the jungle). Scholars of Dante's work say that the Dante of history is characterized as an allusion to Aeneas and to the apostle Paul because they all took long journeys and found themselves lost and hopeless somewhere along the way.

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The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art,
If any of my kinsmen find thee here.
Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face,
Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek
I have no joy of this contract to-night:
It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;
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The excuse that thou dost make in this delay
Is longer than the tale thou dost excuse.


Answer: "It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;
Too like the lightning,"

Shakespeare is trying to warm people from making hasty decisions that could have serious outcomes. This is a common theme especially towards the end of the play. 

Answer: It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden.

In this line, Juliet expresses one of the details that support the thesis statement of the play. This occurs in Act II, Scene 2, and at this point, Romeo and Juliet love each other, but they do not know each other very well, and Juliet does not want to get involved in such a sudden passion. This supports the thesis statement, which shows that lovers often make rash decisions without thinking things through or getting advice from more experienced people, and that these can often lead them to tragedy.

Which archetype do the stories of cupid and psyche and of sleeping beauty have in common


After reading these two works ( “Cupid and Psyche” and “Sleeping Beauty” ) I can just say that the focus of these two works is the indescribable beauty of the main characters. This beauty became the reason of all the calamities of the two main characters. That is why I think that in a basis of these two works is the archetype of the divine beauty that unites these two compositions.

Read the sentence.Her mother always said that it is important to do an honest day’s work.

Which word is the indefinite article?


The word "an", as indefinite articles are "a" and "an".

What is the theme or underlying message of mallam sile?


The theme or message of "Mallam Sile" is that it is necessary to show strength in the face of problems, allowing them to be tackled in a superior way.

We can arrive at this answer because:

  • "Mallam Sile" tells the story of a man who owned a tea shop and was very kind to his neighborhood.
  • His neighbors took advantage of this kindness and caused the tea seller much abuse.
  • He didn't like the way he was being treated, but he didn't dare to face the neighborhood bullies and so he put up with all the problems silently.
  • However, one day he got married and his wife did not admit the abuses of the neighborhood.

She fought all bullies and showed that problems must be fought with superiority and strength.

More information:


The theme or underlying message in the short story Mallam Sile is that of the definition of sin and the consequences thereof. Mallam Sile is a tea seller and owns a tea shop. He is a gentle, patient man who is unable to deal with the bullies who visit his tea shop. He closes his shop at some point to renovate it. When his shop reopens, he appears with his wife who is not scared of the bullies and chases them to repay what they have stolen from Mallam Sile. 

What is the length of the following lines?Is it even so? then I defy you, stars!
Thou know'st my lodging: get me ink and paper,
And hire post-horses; I will hence to-night.


The length of the lines stated above is pentameter.

Here's why:

The number of words included per phrase is in maximum of five. In Greek or Latin, penta means the number five. Pentameter is the term used to refer to a line of verse which is five metrical feet in length. 


  • Pentameter


Pentameter is a literary device that can be characterized as a line in section or verse that has five in number metrical feet or beats. There are various types of pentameter: iamb, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic. The most normally utilized pentameter in English is versifying. It likewise can be depicted as a line that comprises of ten syllables, where the main syllable is focused on, the second is unstressed, the third is pushed, etc until it achieves the tenth line syllable.

An activist is someone whopassionately believes in a cause
has no interest in supporting a cause
actively discriminates against others
makes a living from giving speeches


The correct answer is A. Passionately believes in a cause


The word "activist" refers to a person tht is part of an activist movement or a movement that aims at achieving some social change which is usually referred to as a cause. Additionally, this cause or social change activists pursue can be linked to multiple areas including environment, politics or economy and involve different strategies to support the cause they believe in such as strikes, marches, protests, pamphlets, among others. Moreover, in most cases, activists create organized actions to support the cause they follow and can even continue with actions despite the opposition from government or society as they strongly or passionately believe in the idea or change they are defending. Thus, an activist can be defined as someone who passionately believes in a cause.

An activist is someone who 'passionately believes in a cause'. It is a person who campaigns for some sort of change.