Which word does not identify a part of the body? A.dorsal





Answer 1
Answer: The right answer would be D. sedentary 

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the answer is hieroglyphs and petroglyphs


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In Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado," the option that makes Montresor an unreliable narrator is B. he makes exaggerated claims about Fortunado. An unreliable narrator is a type of narrator that cannot be trusted on anything he or she says. This is because they often say contradicting things, which makes their sentences untrustworthy.Hope I helped! :) Cheers!


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What drink gave immortality to those who drank it?A. Mead

B. Nectar

C. Xocolotl

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What is Polytheism?

A. The belief in one god

B. Ancestor worship

C. The belief in no god

D. The belief in more than one god


1. Answer – A. MeadThe ancient Greeks also called mead 'ambrosia' which means immortal. They believed that mead was the drink of the gods and that it has the power to conferred immortality. Even in the Anglo-Saxon culture, mead is held up as the drink that bestows immortality.

 2. Answer - D. (The belief in more than one god)Polytheism is the belief in more than one God or the worship of more than one God. The multiple deities in a polytheistic belief are usually brought together into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals.

Answer: The answer to the first question is Nectar

Explanation: gradpoint users

Rewrite the following sentences omitting the prepositional phrases:1. Dogs are often used as companions in modern nursing homes.

2.Many people in nursing homes think of the resident dos as their very own pet.

3.Some residents leave out special treats for the dog’s daily visit.

4.According to some staff members, golden retrievers are suitable pets.

5.Between shifts, the nurses usually walk the dogs.



1. Dogs are often used as companions.

2. Many people think of the resident dog as their very own pet.

3. Some residents leave out special treats.

4. Golden retrievers are suitable pets.

5. The nurses usually walk the dogs.


Write a summary of how Cervantes' portrayal of his main characters compares with how Dale Wasserman, playwright of Man of La Mancha, portrays his main characters. Provide details from at least two of the following in your answer: the synopsis of Man of La Mancha, the excerpt of Don Quixote, or the synopsis of Miguel de Cervantes.


Miguel de Cervantes, in his classic novel "Don Quixote," and Dale Wasserman, the playwright of "Man of La Mancha," both portray the main character, Don Quixote, in somewhat similar but also distinct ways.

In Cervantes' "Don Quixote," the character of Don Quixote, also known as Alonso Quixano, is portrayed as an aging nobleman who becomes delusional after reading too many chivalric romances. He imagines himself as a valiant knight, Don Quixote, and sets out on various adventures to revive chivalry and right the world's wrongs. Cervantes balances Don Quixote's idealistic and noble intentions with his madness and delusions, creating a complex character who grapples with the contrast between his romantic ideals and the harsh realities of the world.

In contrast, Dale Wasserman's adaptation in "Man of La Mancha" focuses more on the idealistic and heroic aspects of Don Quixote. The character is portrayed as a man who, despite his madness, possesses an unwavering belief in the goodness of humanity and a desire to make the world a better place. The musical emphasizes Don Quixote's chivalry and his quest to achieve the impossible dream. While his delusions are acknowledged, they are presented in a more sympathetic light, highlighting the power of imagination and the importance of pursuing one's dreams.

Furthermore, Wasserman's adaptation introduces a dual portrayal of Don Quixote and his alter ego, Miguel de Cervantes, which adds another layer to the character. Cervantes is depicted as a storyteller who uses his imagination to escape the harsh realities of his own life while also drawing inspiration from Don Quixote's unwavering idealism.

In summary, Cervantes' portrayal of Don Quixote in "Don Quixote" emphasizes the character's complexity and inner turmoil, while Wasserman's adaptation in "Man of La Mancha" leans more towards celebrating the character's idealism and his pursuit of the impossible dream. Both interpretations contribute to a deeper understanding of the enduring appeal of the character of Don Quixote and his timeless quest for a better world.
Other Questions
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Preface to Buddhism and Buddhists in China A missionary no less than a professional student of Buddhism needs to approach that religion with a real appreciation of what it aims to do for its people and does do. No one can come into contact with the best that Buddhism offers without being impressed by its serenity, assurance and power. Professor Hodous has written this volume on Buddhism in China out of the ripe experience and continuing studies of sixteen years of missionary service in Foochow, the chief city of Fukien Province, China, one of the important centers of Buddhism. His local studies were supplemented by the results of broader research and study in northern China. No other available writer on the subject has gone so far as he in reproducing the actual thinking of a trained Buddhist mind in regard to the fundamentals of religion. At the same time he has taken pains to exhibit and to interpret the religious life of the peasant as affected by Buddhism. He has sought to be absolutely fair to Buddhism, but still to express his own conviction that the best that is in Buddhism is given far more adequate expression in Christianity. The purpose of each volume in this series is impressionistic rather than definitely educational. They are not textbooks for the formal study of Buddhism, but introductions to its study. They aim to kindle interest and to direct the activity of the awakened student along sound lines. For further study each volume amply provides through directions and literature in the appendices. It seeks to help the student to discriminate, to think in terms of a devotee of Buddhism when he compares that religion with Christianity. It assumes, however, that Christianity is the broader and deeper revelation of God and the world of today. Buddhism in China undoubtedly includes among its adherents many high-minded, devout, and earnest souls who live an idealistic life. Christianity ought to make a strong appeal to such minds, taking from them none of the joy or assurance or devotion which they possess, but promoting a deeper, better balanced interpretation of the active world, a nobler conception of God, a stronger sense of sinfulness and need, and a truer idea of the full meaning of incarnation and revelation. In the first paragraph, why does the author write that Buddhism has "serenity, assurance and power"? Choose one answer. a. He wants to convince readers that Buddhism is worth studying. b. He wants to convince readers that Buddhism is a daunting subject. c. He wants to show that Buddhists are worthy opponents. d. He wants to show that Buddhists consider themselves important. The passage implies that the author believes which of these is true of the relationship between Buddhism and Christianity? Choose one answer. a. Adherents of the two religions can learn important things from one another. b. Christianity displays less regional diversity in worship than Buddhism. c. Many Christians would convert to Buddhism if they understood it better. d. The two religions can coexist but can never be philosophically reconciled. Which argument is furthered by the inclusion of the descriptors in "sound lines" and "amply provides"? Choose one answer. a. The book may be introductory, but it can satisfy a scholar. b. The book may be introductory, but it includes everything important. c. The book may be scholarly, but it is easy to understand. d. The book may be scholarly, but it is more affordable than most. What does the text imply about the intended audience of both the book and the book review? Choose one answer. a. They are Buddhist. b. They are Chinese. c. They are Christian. d. They are scholars. The author of this passage has which opinion of the volume written by Professor Hodous? Choose one answer. a. It can be used as an authoritative source on Chinese culture. b. It can give Christian readers insight into Buddhist beliefs and practices. c. It is better than the volumes written by other historians. d. It is biased because of Hodous's Christian beliefs.