What can break down waste and dead organisms into nutrients?Producer
Secondary Consumer
Tertiary consumer


Answer 1
Answer: Decomposer. 

Example: Mushrooms.
Answer 2




Decomposers are vital organisms that grow by breaking down dead and decaying matter. Some of these are scavengers - macro-organisms that feed on dead or decaying matter, e.g. flies, cockroaches, earthworms. Others are decomposers, generally microscopic bacteria and fungi, that break down wastes.

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Bears and coyotes both consume large plant-eating mammals such as deer. When the deer are in short supply, bears andcoyotes may fight over the prey. This type of biological interaction is called a. Commensalism c. mutualism b. Competition d. rumination


The answer is competition.

Competition is an interaction between members of the same species or between different species. If resources, such as food, water, sunlight, territory, are limited and several species depend on these resources, then, they must compete with other species to gain the resources. In this example, bears and coyotes depend on deer and when deer population is reduced, bears and coyotes must compete in order to survive.


Its competition


Bears and coyotes will fight over the deer if the deer are in short supply so they won't have much deer to consume

A person with blood group A produces antibodies againstb. A person with blood group B produces antibodies against
a. A person with blood group AB produces no antibodies. How can you explain this?


This is simply a protective mechanism of the body. A person with blood group A will produced antibodies against  blood group B because  group B cells are considered foreign bodies to the person and will not be tolerated and vice versa. Group B people have antibodies against group A and will not tolerate group A cells. This is why group A person can only be transfused with group A blood or group O blood. Both A and B   have no antibodies against blood group O. Indeed no blood group has antibodies against Blood group and this  is why people with blood group O are called universal donors.

Group AB people do not have antibodies against any blood group because both these groups are part and parcel of their body and production of antibodies against either A or B would end up in self destruction of the body. Group AB  people are known as universal recipients because they can receive blood from any of the other groups.

What is a possible long-term consequence of groundwater overdraft?a. increased vegetation
b. unproductive wells
c. polluted groundwater
d. higher water tables


The correct answer is B. Unproductive wells.

The possible long-term consequences of groundwater overdraft is the unproductive wells.

Groundwater overdraft is known to occur when the ground water which is used exceeds the amount which is in the aquifer.

Groundwater results in reduced in supply of water reason being groundwater pumping costs, groundwater contamination, aquifer depletion or cost of well deepening.

Final answer:

The possible long-term consequence of groundwater overdraft is b. unproductive wells.


Groundwater overdraft occurs when the extraction of groundwater exceeds the rate of natural recharge, depleting underground aquifers. This unsustainable practice can lead to lowered water tables, land subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and ecological damage. It is a significant concern in areas where groundwater is a primary source of freshwater.

The possible long-term consequence of groundwater overdraft is unproductive wells. Groundwater overdraft occurs when the amount of water withdrawn from an aquifer exceeds the amount that is replenished over time. This can lead to a depletion of the aquifer and the drying up of wells that depend on it for water supply.

Learn more about groundwater overdraft here:



A species in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range is said to be:


Answer: Endangered

The question above is the definition of "endangered": A species that is in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

You calculate that 319 000 000 m is the answer to a problem. You are asked to write your answer in scientific notation. Which answer is correct?


The scientific notation for 319,000,000 will be 3.19 x 10^8. It is just one of the possible answers, it could be presented in many form. We could express that also as 31.9 x 10^7 or 319 x 10^6. This is just a simple counting of how many numbers are before the period. 
3.19 raised to the 9th

Parts of a plant that are underground are called , while those above ground are called .


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "root system; shoot system." Parts of a plant that are underground are called root system, while those above ground are called shoot system. the underground part is responsible for seeking for water and nourishment; the upper part is responsible for pollination.


Root and shoot