Which sentence uses the word whose correctly?A.) Whose the best person to serve as president of the Youth in Government Club?
B.) My uncle, whose chief deputy of the circuit court, allowed me to come to work with him one day to understand better what he does.
C.) After finding the can of soda in the classroom, the teacher turned to the class and asked, “Whose can of soda is this?”
D.) A panel of judges determines whose going to receive the crafts award for Best of Show.


Answer 1
Answer: Among the choices provided, the sentence which uses the pronoun whose is:

C.) After finding the can of soda in the classroom, the teacher turned to the class and asked, “Whose can of soda is this?”

Whose is a possessive pronoun of who which denotes ownership. In this sentence, the teacher asked the students the owner of the can of soda.

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For researching purposes, when was a time you were judged by something other than the content of your character? And if you're okay with answering, how did that make you feel?



People always judge me because I'm Asian and because I'm pretty. It's rude because they don't even know me.


Which "doctrine" was used widely by Baroque composers to create emotions in their works?


Doctrine of the affections, or doctrine of the passions, is the correct answer. 

The umpire yelled, "You're out!" where would the following take place



It would take place in a baseball match.


An umpire is a name used in some sports to referring to an official who watches a game to enforce the rules and arbitrate on the matter from the play.

The name Umpire is especially used in baseball and tennis matches. But the state said by the umpire "You´re out!" is more likely to be said by a baseball umpire rather than a tennis one.

I hope this answer helps you.

In a baseball match, specifically where the hitter strikeout.

With the original interior. Which sentence error does the text above make? sentence fragment fused sentence comma splice dangling modifier


sentence fragment 
Sentence fragment is the identified sentence error in the given statement which states "With the original interior". This sentence fragment happens when a cluster or element of the whole sentence is only identified or indicated in a statement.

Answer: Sentence fragment


A sentence fragment is a group of words that is similar to a sentence in the sense that it starts with a capital letter and ends with punctuation (like a period) but that in reality, it is not a sentence as it does not convey a complete idea as sentences do. Depending on how they are used, a correct sentence fragment is used to put emphasis on a point or convey a tone or meaning of a piece of writing or speech.

In this sense, a sentence fragment is more like a phrase or a dependent clause, but standing alone. However, they can not be fully alone as when sentence fragments appear is because there are other phrases, clauses or sentences or around them or is said under some context that helps the reader see the bigger picture and understand what is about.

Now, "With the original interior" is a perfect example of sentence fragment because it resembles a sentence but it is not, and it only makes perfect sense under a context.

Are you __? she asked.
A) alright
B) all right



a) alright


although both forms of the word “alright” and “all right” mean the same thing, “all right” is usually used in a more formal setting; in this case, this sentence seems to be more casual

Final answer:

'All right' and 'alright' are both acceptable, but 'all right' is more formal and preferred in academic writing. Therefore, 'Are you all right? she asked.' would be the more appropriate usage.


Both 'alright' and 'all right' are used in English language, but they have slightly different connotations. 'All right' is considered more formal and is more commonly accepted in formal writing. It means that something is adequate, permissible, or satisfactory.

On the other hand, 'alright' is a less formal variant, often used in dialogues in literature or in casual conversations. However, some may consider it a less correct option. Therefore, if you're writing for a class, a paper, or an exam, it is recommended to use 'all right'.

Given these considerations, the most correct form to use in this case would be 'Are you all right? she asked.'

Learn more about all right vs alright here:



Read the sentences. In 1903, two brothers made history by flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk. Their names were Orville and Wilbur Wright. Which sentence combines these two sentences with an appositive phrase? In 1903, two brothers, who were Orville and Wilbur Wright, made history by flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk. In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made history by flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk. Flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk with his brother Orville, Wilbur Wright made history in 1903. In 1903, two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, made history by flying an airplane at Kit


 "In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made history by flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk" is the best option from the list because it conveys the most information with the least words. 

The answer to your question would be that the sentence that combines the two sentences with an appositive phrase is the following one: In 1903, two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, made history by flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk.

An apposition or appositive phrase is a situation in which two nouns or noun phrases are used to refer to the same person or thing and one is placed immediately after the other with no conjunction in between.  In this case, the NP "two brothers" and the NP "Orville and Wilbur Wright" refer to the same person.