The Zimmerman telegram was an intercepted message from Germany to Mexico. It was encrypted but the message was decoded by American officials revealing Germany's intent to ask Mexico for assistance in engaging war with the USA. Obviously, this was not something the USA would like at all as it basically meant Germany wanted to go to war with the USA. This was a factor into why America eventually joined World War 1 and it began the hate for Germany shown in this period.
b. Getting health insurance for all Americans
c. Changing the way we pay for political campaigns
d. Narrowing the gap between the rich and the middle class
Multiple Choice
The Correct answers are:
b. Getting health insurance for all Americans
C. Changing the way we pay for political campaigns
d. Narrowing the gap between the rich and the middle class
Bill Clinton’s administration issued The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, giving states control of welfare. He created something the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, TANF, which changed cash assistance by adding work requirements for aid, reducing the number of adults who qualified for benefits and limiting how long and how much aid a person could receive.
Clinton’s goal was to provide universal health care for all Americans. However, he found opposition from conservatives as well as the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. Also, many Democrats offered a number of competing plans and in 1994, the final Democratic bill was declared dead by Senate Majority.
Bill Clinton brought up hope for campaign finance system reforms but the bill succumbed in Congress. Some say that Republicans wanted to deny the Democratic Congress and President Clinton any significant legislative accomplishments at all costs.
It is True i just got an A