least to greatest
Ascending order of the given data is 84% of 1, 43/50, 7/8, and 0.91
When numbers are arranged in ascending order, they are done so from least to largest. We must first compare the numbers before we may arrange them in any order. Compare first, then order.
Given, 43/50, 0.91, 7/8, and 84% we need to arrange them in such a way that the first would be the least and the last would be the greatest, or in another word, we need to arrange them in ascending order.
thus, we need to find their value in the fraction form for that we will simplify these given values.
therefore, The data are arranged in ascending order as 84% of 1, 43/50, 7/8, and 0.91.
Learn more about ascending order here:
C = 12n
Step-by-step explanation:
Let C = the total cost
and n = the number of DVDs
C = 12n
A is rational
B is irrational
Product of a and b is irrational.
Step-by-step explanation:
53.70-9.60 is 46.90
46.90 divided by 2 is 23.45