The product of 743 and 295 computed using the standard multiplication algorithm is 219035.
The multiplication question is asking for the product of the numbers 743 and 295. We can solve this by using the standard algorithm of multiplication, which follows these steps:
If you follow these steps correctly, the product you obtain should be 219035.
1.7 seconds, and
3.3 seconds
Step-by-step explanation:
We simply need to plug in 8 into h and solve for t:
Since cosine is negative in the 3rd quadrant as well, we need to figure out the 3rd quadrant equivalent of 2.13 radians.
First, π - 2.13 radians = 1.01 radians.
Then, we add 1.01 to π radians, so we get 4.15 radians
Solving from the last part, we have:
also, t = 3.30 seconds
*Note: we put the calculator mode in radians when solving
So, t = 1.7 seconds & 3.30 seconds
Answer: 3p+ 5
Step-by-step explanation:
1 Remove parentheses.
Negative and negative = + below
6 + 3p - 1
2 Collect like terms.
3p + 6 - 1
3 Simplify.
3p + 5
Hope this helps!!! Good luck!!! ;)